Gearing Up for Flu Season

Written by Dr. Tara Barker ND

Continued from page 1

4.Exercise daily. Even if you just go for a walk for 20 minutes, get in exercise every day. Your body needs it. It is good forrepparttar soul. Make it fun by going with a friend or your partner and talking. Or go alone and enjoy your thoughts. Go at sunset or sunrise for an enhanced experience.

5.Wash your hands. Most people getrepparttar 115110 flu by shaking hands, touching a doorknob, or picking up a phone in whichrepparttar 115111 virus has been on and then touching their eyes, nose, hair, or mouth. The virus typically enters byrepparttar 115112 mucous membranes ofrepparttar 115113 nose or mouth, but could enter through any mucous membrane ofrepparttar 115114 body. During flu season, be sure to remain conscious of touching your mouth, nose, or eyes, especially if you recently touched an object that others may have touched. Wash your hands if in doubt.

6.If you do getrepparttar 115115 flu, see your naturopath immediately for a quicker resolution. Homeopathic remedies, herbs, hydrotherapy, and other treatments often help your body to more quickly eliminaterepparttar 115116 virus than overrepparttar 115117 counter products or doing nothing. Some remedies, if begun when you noticerepparttar 115118 first symptoms, can even preventrepparttar 115119 flu from a full attack. You could also take home treatments that your family could take in order to prevent them from contractingrepparttar 115120 virus.

For more information or questions on related topics, please visit Get all your health questions answered from a licensed Naturopathic physician without the wait for an office visit. Well-researched, reliable information is now available and easy to find. Email

You Are What You Eat

Written by Dr. Tara Barker ND

Continued from page 1
to fit in all that is conducive to an optimal life. Missing one or two steps occasionally will generally not be a problem, as your body is very resilient and made to work under less than optimal conditions for a time. Many people take advantage of this, however, and conclude that since they liverepparttar way they do and no signs of illness have appeared thus far, that they are living well enough. It can take days, months, or years for various signs of body ‘dis-ease’ to begin to appear. Byrepparttar 115109 time these signs appear, it can take just as long to reverserepparttar 115110 damage, if reversal is possible. The key is prevention. Although it is nearly impossible to anticipate exactly which prevention measures should be taken for each individual, there are general prevention methods that can be included in a healthy lifestyle that are useful to ward offrepparttar 115111 majority of common complaints.

For more information or questions on related topics, please visit Get all your health questions answered from a licensed Naturopathic physician without the wait for an office visit. Well-researched, reliable information is now available and easy to find. Email

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