Written by Wayne Lowe

Continued from page 1

Your there lying onrepparttar table nearly dying andrepparttar 115084 last blood that will keep you alive is a gay man whos is willing to give his clean blood to him, even though he has had sex! Would you let him die, or even worse, would you rejectrepparttar 115085 offer to stay alive?

WHoever has other points of view about this explain them and get them voiced!!!!

MMMMMM Angry or what!!!

Give Blood - certainly - Oh wait you cant!!!

ADHD and Iron Deficiency

Written by Anthony Kane, MD

Continued from page 1

With that in mind we have to approach iron supplementation with caution. My feeling is that if your child turns out to be one ofrepparttar 8-13% that is deficient in iron, it is worth giving iron supplements. I doubt that it will help much with his ADHD, but it should help with his general health. This advice applies to your non-ADHD children, also.

How should you test iron deficiency? The hemoglobin and hematocrit counts that come as part ofrepparttar 115083 standard complete blood count (CBC) are good for diagnosing anemia. They do not really give you accurate information aboutrepparttar 115084 body’s iron status. The best test for iron status isrepparttar 115085 serum ferritin test, which measures how much iron is stored in your body. It will be low if you are deficient and high if you are overloaded.

If you find your child has an iron deficiency problem, there are several approaches to treat it. Probablyrepparttar 115086 safest is by giving him more iron-containing foods. You can serve him red meat several times a week. Liver is an excellent source, if you can get him to eat it. You can enhance dietary absorption by supplementing with vitamin A (about 10,000 IU) and vitamin C (about 500mg) withrepparttar 115087 meals.

The most likelyrepparttar 115088 reason that your child is deficient is because he is a poor eater; so, dietary intervention may not be practical. A second and far inferior source of iron is through supplements. The primary difficulty of iron supplements is that they do not get intorepparttar 115089 body. Fortifying foods with iron in general does not work. Many foods bind iron and, as a result,repparttar 115090 iron is excreted rather than absorbed. The best form of supplemental iron is Ferrochel. Ferrochel is an amino acid chelated iron, which is highly bio-available and is not affected by foods that bind iron.

Most iron supplements have a ten percent absorption rate. That means if you take 10 mg ofrepparttar 115091 supplement, your body absorbs 1 mg. Ferrochel is different. Ferrochel has a 75% absorption rate. That means 1.5 mg of Ferrochel provides more iron to your body than 10 mg of other supplements.

That is an interesting fact, but it is not why I am recommending it. The more important property of Ferrochel is that since it is already amino acid bound, it does not become free iron inrepparttar 115092 body. That means it does not haverepparttar 115093 dangers and side effects of other iron supplements. The FDA has given Ferrochelrepparttar 115094 designation of GRAS, (generally regarded as safe). No other iron supplement has this designation.

The take home message is that iron deficiency may berepparttar 115095 cause of hyperactivity in some children. It is worth your while to have your child tested. If for some reason you suspect your child is iron deficient,repparttar 115096 best approach is to increase your child’s iron intake through his diet. If that doesn’t work and you need to use supplements,repparttar 115097 best supplemental iron is Ferrochel.

Anthony Kane, MD

ADD ADHD Advances

Anthony Kane, MD is a physician and international lecturer. Get ADD ADHD Child Behavior and Treatment Help for your ADHD child, including child behavior advice and information on the latest ADHD treatment. Add you insights to the ADD ADHD Blog

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