Continued from page 1
Today, Prime Minister Blair wants to make another attempt at saving African Swiss-Bank Socialism. His plan is to forgive
debt of
poorest African countries. I'd agree, since this debt will never be repaid. Tying it to countries "on
road to economic reform" is nonsense. Mr. Blair's plan is to double aid from rich nations' taxpayers to US$25 billion each year and US$50 billion annually starting in 2015. The Gnomes in Switzerland must be licking their chops. . Mr. Blair's proposal confirms that
Swiss banks can keep their African clients' accounts and expect to see those accounts grow annually by billions of dollars.
Thanks to
Prime Minister, President Bush has added US$674 million for humanitarian assistance of which US$414 million will go to food aid in
Horn of Africa. Certainly everyone realizes that starvation is a terrible way to slowly die. Unfortunately, due to Global Warming,
21st Century epitaph for
Horn of Africa will be pending starvation.
Sending money to NGOs (Non-Government Agencies) does see some of that money converted into help for
local people. However,
taxpayer rarely gets fair value for
money sent to any third party. I think funding
eradication of assorted African diseases is in everyone's best interests. >From ridding
continent of River Blindness to finding a way to remove schistosomiasis from Africa's waterways, without damaging
environment, is everyone's social obligation. The West has started to address
issue of African AIDs. We are finding ways to ensure that everyone who is HIV positive has access to modern drugs. Better health for everyone in Africa is a key to allowing a large middle class to evolve.
Mr. Blair and
G8 leaders should realize that trickle down aid is
source of African Swiss-Bank Socialism. If
Prime Minister wants to help
honest, intelligent and hardworking people of Africa, he should take his lead from
women of West Africa. A group of women each put some money into a pot. Then one of
women uses
collected funds to buy something to start a business. As her business prospers, she repays her debt and
next woman, using
same risk capital, starts her business. Eventually, all
women are in business. Usually, about this time along comes a local bureaucrat seeking bribes to allow
women to remain in business. What if
West supplied
local pots of loan capital? What if
local tribal elders had
power to expose corrupt officials seeking bribes? What if
G8 required laws to protect
small businesspersons so that they could prosper? Sadly, none of these options needs to be considered as long as
West thinks African Swiss-Bank Socialism is
way to African Economic Growth. It isn't.
Given African reality, if I were an African businessperson, I'd follow
lead of African politicians and move my money offshore. My family would soon follow.