Fuel Index ( A measuring stick for a company's success)

Written by Ramakrishna Pochiraju

Continued from page 1

Score (0 to 2)

VALUES P Q C R ----- -- -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- Total -- -- -- -- Average -- -- -- --

Fuel Index = (Avg R)[(Avg P)+(Avg Q)+(Avg C)]

The range ofrepparttar Fuel Index is 0 to 12. Ifrepparttar 103803 Index is

0 to <=3 Meansrepparttar 103804 company has to re-look and re-evaluate their values (Fuel). The company should focus on better definingrepparttar 103805 values that mean and do greater good torepparttar 103806 ‘company-employee’ social system. First they have to findrepparttar 103807 better Fuel and second they have to create an air of honesty inrepparttar 103808 workplace and finally findrepparttar 103809 Right people to implement these in ‘company-employee’ social system .

3 to <=5 Meansrepparttar 103810 company has values that mean something and may play important role inrepparttar 103811 developing a healthy ‘company-employee’ social system. The company focus should be directed to better dissemination of those values throughrepparttar 103812 ‘company-employee’ social system. This isrepparttar 103813 company that has viable fuel. How they use it now and intent to use it in future isrepparttar 103814 key for their success.

>5 The score of 5 and above is a good indicator of sustainability and agility of a company. They haverepparttar 103815 right mixture of fuel (Values) and air (Risk/Honesty). They need to make sure to maintain and constantly evaluaterepparttar 103816 strategies that are used for this combustion. That meansrepparttar 103817 company should constantly make sure to have right people implementingrepparttar 103818 values and performingrepparttar 103819 checks and balances needed to assure a sustainable growth.

Ramakrishna Pochiraju is a registered professional engineer. He has over ten years of experience in serving local, state and federal clients as a consulting engineer in designing roads, highways and freeways.

The Art of Being Specific Encourages Focus

Written by Lawrence Roth

Continued from page 1

I start out each day writing down specifically what I need to do that day. As long as keep doing that it makes my days less stressful and I accomplish more. It has been difficult to start and keep that habit going butrepparttar benefits have been very rewarding. I can tell when I have not been following my written goals forrepparttar 103802 day because I feel stressed and lost. I remind myself to go back to my list and start focusing on accomplishingrepparttar 103803 goals I have listed.

Being specific helps one to look atrepparttar 103804 small pieces ofrepparttar 103805 puzzle. Puzzles as you know can be overwhelming when you 1000 pieces scattered about on a table. But by taking a look at one piece and then a second piece, one can then being to specifically identify where each puzzle piece goes.

Being specific is a discipline that most people can learn and use. To start and run a business take a specific look at you advertising plan, marketing plan, budget plan, etc. You don’t have to take a look at all of these elements at once and if you do you will be overwhelmed. When you are overwhelmed you are stressed.

Rothline Entertainment located online at http://www.rothline.com is an e-commerce site focused on retailing computer and video games and PC software.

Lawrence Roth Webmaster http://www.rothline.com Rothline Entertainment: Games, Movies and Software for people of all ages.

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