Frugal Entertainment for the Whole Family

Written by Fisher Swanson

Continued from page 1

Watch for Free Days and Free Events

Many museums, zoos and aquariums have free days. This is often one day per month such asrepparttar first Tuesday or last Friday. There are a lot of museums that are fun and have areas tailored towards kids. In art museumsrepparttar 111150 ancient cultures exhibits are often fun for kids.

Open Houses, Openings and Festivals

Sports teams often have a free open house beforerepparttar 111151 season starts. Also make note of free festivals and events in your communities. Check your local paper and chamber of commerce for upcoming events.

Zoo Membership

If you have kids who love to go torepparttar 111152 zoo you should consider a family membership. It can be a great value if you plan on going often and have a zoo nearby. Similar memberships are available at museums and aquariums as well.

Farmers' Market and Swap Meets

You don't have to spend much money to have a good time at your local Farmer's Market. Most communities have them on Saturday or Sunday every week duringrepparttar 111153 Spring, Summer and early Fall. You can buy some great vegetables for less than you pay atrepparttar 111154 grocery market and usually there is something fun forrepparttar 111155 kids to do.

Library and Bookstore Events

Next time you go torepparttar 111156 bookstore or library pick up an events calendar. They often have live music or book readings that might interest your family.

This is justrepparttar 111157 tip ofrepparttar 111158 iceberg. Keep your eyes and ears open and you will find many more opportunities to have fun with your family without spending a lot of money.

Fisher Swanson is a regular contributer torepparttar 111159 Daily Thrifty Tips newsletter at ThriftyFun publishes information about thrifty living. Send an email to to subscribe to The Daily Thrifty Tips newsletter.

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Fisher Swanson is a regular contributer to the Daily Thrifty Tips newsletter at ThriftyFun publishes information about thrifty living. Send an email to to subscribe to The Daily Thrifty Tips newsletter.

Celebrate Spring With Your Children!

Written by Cyndi Roberts

Continued from page 1

If you don't have a yard, don't despair. Plant a bean or tomato in a pot. All you need is a sunny spot to set it, on your porch or patio. You can even put it inside in a sunny window.

4. Put up a birdfeeder in your backyard or on your patio. Birdfeeders are not too expensive, but here's an idea for making one of your own. It's easy andrepparttar kids can help.

Buy a fresh coconut and cut a 2-inch hole inrepparttar 111149 side, nearrepparttar 111150 top. Drainrepparttar 111151 juice and scrape outrepparttar 111152 meat. Drill a small hole inrepparttar 111153 top and also inrepparttar 111154 bottom. Insert an eye bolt inrepparttar 111155 top hole and secure with a nut inside and out. Fillrepparttar 111156 feeder and hang it up!

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Preserved Children

Take 1 large field, half a dozen children, 2 or 3 small dogs, a pinch of brook and some pebbles. Mixrepparttar 111157 children and dogs well together; put them onrepparttar 111158 field, stirring constantly. Pourrepparttar 111159 brook overrepparttar 111160 pebbles; sprinklerepparttar 111161 field with flowers; spread over all a deep blue sky and bake inrepparttar 111162 sun. When brown, set away to cool inrepparttar 111163 bathtub.

Cyndi Roberts is the editor of the bi-weekly newsletter "1 Frugal Friend 2 Another", bringing you practical, money-saving tips, recipes and ideas. Visit her online at to subscribe and receive the Free e-course, "Taming the Monster Grocery Bill".

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