From Ebay Zero to Power-Selling Hero: Don’t Be That Random Ebay Guy

Written by Isaiah Hull

Continued from page 1

You will also want to add extra services and guarantees to your product that no one else offers. For example, you could give free support or free shipping. Or you could guarantee to ship everything within 24 business hours of purchase. Or you could bundle your product with other products. Whatever you do, your goal should be to gain a competitive edge over big sellers by adding an unquantifiable amount of value to your item.

. . .but even this is not enough to make you appear professional and responsible.

You must frame your products in a template that looks professionally-designed. You will need to either learn HTML or purchase a template from Ebay or elsewhere. Inrepparttar end, you need to ask yourself this: "if I stumbled over this auction, would I think it was professional--or would I immediately move on?"

It is also a good idea to ask another person what they would do, since it is often hard to judge your own work.

In addition to this, you will want to operate like a real business would. You should email your customers with shipping confirmation numbers. You should be polite to customers and use a systematic process to conduct all transactions and customer interactions.

Everything I mentioned in this lesson is relatively simple. Most of it can be accomplished in a matter of hours; however,repparttar 147655 vast majority of Ebay sellers neglect to do it. If you put everything in this lesson into practice, you will immediately put yourself light-years ahead of all stores that look like "that random Ebay guy." - Written by Isaiah Hull, author of "How to Profit on Ebay In Seven Days Without Spending A Single Penny." For a limited time only you can get a pre-publication copy of his book for ONE-FOURTH the post-publication price!

From Ebay Zero to Power-Selling Hero: The Devil Is In The Details

Written by Isaiah Hull

Continued from page 1

While there are a number of ways to navigate Ebay, almost every visitor uses either "titles" or "titles and descriptions" to search for auctions. If they search for "green ipod mini" and your title or description includes "green ipod mini," your search result will be displayed.

When most sellers create auctions, they concentrate on describingrepparttar item or converting visitors with powerful sales copy; however, what they don't do-- almost without exception--is add traffic-pulling keywords to their titles and pepper keywords throughout their descriptions.

In fact, some sellers neglect this to such a great extent that they misspell important keywords in their titles and description. This isrepparttar 147654 first type of seller we talked about. As a result, they attract no buyers-- withrepparttar 147655 possible exception of people who scour misspelled auctions to purchase underbid items that are unintentionally"hidden."

. . .so don't fool around when you create your auction title and description! You now know better.

This isrepparttar 147656 single most important determinant ofrepparttar 147657 amount and quality of traffic you receive as a seller on Ebay. Use it, and you will immediately attract more interested buyers; ignore it, and you voluntarily give interested buyers torepparttar 147658 seller who is already sellingrepparttar 147659 same products as you for twicerepparttar 147660 price. - Written by Isaiah Hull, author of "How to Profit on Ebay In Seven Days Without Spending A Single Penny." For a limited time only you can get a pre-publication copy of his book for ONE-FOURTH the post-publication price!

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