From Corporate America to Work at home mom… who knew it would be a promotion?

Written by Caryn FitzGerald

Continued from page 1

The last few months of 2003 andrepparttar first month of 2004 are basically a blur as things happened so fast. We moved from Georgia to Texas and I never did return to corporate America. Instead I listened to what my customers were requesting and between February & March I had added a wonderful line of personalized cards called PS I Love You as well as Arbonne,repparttar 130512 most amazing skin & health care products I have ever used in my life, to my company’s offerings. In addition, my years of playing onrepparttar 130513 computer finally paid off in that I was able to build websites and network to build my personal and professional relationships throughrepparttar 130514 Internet. My company finally had a name as well ~ FitzByDesign andrepparttar 130515 motto of “You know it Fitz your budget if it’s from Fitz By Design.” The products I offer are high quality at low cost and that is what makes itrepparttar 130516 success it is today.

It was a long hard struggle to be able to get to where I am now. I learned that yes, it is a big leap of faith, but withrepparttar 130517 proper guidance you can create a business for yourself that you truly enjoy offering to others. I would like to take this opportunity to sharerepparttar 130518 main questions I have found to be helpful in making a life change and going from employee to your own boss and earning what is referred to as “life changing money.” ~What do I really want to do? ~Where do I see myself in 1, 3 and 5 years with this endeavor? ~How much time am I willing to invest? How much money do I need to invest? ~How much money do I have to invest? ~What isrepparttar 130519 best possible return I could see? ~Will I be truly happy with this endeavor?

Once you have decided to takerepparttar 130520 leap into direct sales, here are a few helpful questions to ask when choosing a company to represent. ~Would I use these products? ~Would my friends use these products? ~What arerepparttar 130521 guarantees on these products? ~How long has this company been in business? ~What isrepparttar 130522 saturation rate for this company? ~What kind of success are others having with selling these items? ~How can I market this product? There are some companies that do not allow their consultants to market onrepparttar 130523 Internet, so if this is something you are interested in, askrepparttar 130524 corporate policy before you sign. ~Will customers return? If you are planning on selling a larger item such as vacuums or furniture, people will not be back soon for a second one. If you are selling a food or cosmetic product that is consumable, your customers should return quickly.

There are many different opportunities out there for individuals who wish to either leaverepparttar 130525 corporate world or add to their current income, andrepparttar 130526 only way to find out what is right for you is to ask questions, research and most importantly take your time. Userepparttar 130527 products you are considering selling, as it is much easier to sell something you fully believe in, than something you have no opinion on and have never used personally. Remember, people are in sales for that very reason, to sell. The best sales person, whether they are in a store or a work-at-home-mom, is going to be excited about what they are selling and what they can offer you. Getting caught up in their excitement is great, but not when it costs you $500 and you are now signed as a consultant for a company you know nothing about and may not be interested in representing. Be confident in your decision; do not be afraid to say “no thank you” if you feelrepparttar 130528 opportunity is not for you. Remember, this is a life changing decision and when made in hasterepparttar 130529 negative can outweighrepparttar 130530 positive. Talk with others, do not be afraid to ask lots of questions and take your time. Offers that are here today and gone tomorrow are usually not worthrepparttar 130531 time and effort. Inrepparttar 130532 end,repparttar 130533 decision is yours and regardless of what you choose to do, I wish you joy and happiness along with much success in your endeavors.

Caryn FitzGerald, Owner of FitzByDesign Web Design, Hosting and Gifts Galore

Caryn is the owner of, and She holds a Masters in Counseling and has worked as a therapist prior to becoming a work-for-herself parent.


Written by Lois Reeve

Continued from page 1

There was a lot to think about as we picked up our champagne at breakfast and then spentrepparttar day smothered in sun cream, snoozing inrepparttar 130509 sun.

I still love Christmas andrepparttar 130510 Christian celebrations which remind us of its true meaning. It'srepparttar 130511 shopping that gets me down. And to be quite honest I hadn't managed to avoid this - I just had to be more organised and distribute presents to friends and family well in advance of travelling to warmer climes. I supposerepparttar 130512 problem is I like giving presents to people - although I spend a good deal of time worrying about their appropriateness. So - I don't have a formula for present giving but I do try to cut down on spending without appearing to be scrooge, I try to support charities with what I buy, I try to simplifyrepparttar 130513 shopping process, I try to beginrepparttar 130514 process early. And all you can do is try!

Am I correct in thinking that Christmas shopping still falls largely torepparttar 130515 female ofrepparttar 130516 species? Is it just women who begin worrying in February about buying forrepparttar 130517 children or grandchildren. Is itrepparttar 130518 female mind that sees something in June which would be 'perfect' for Aunt Mathilda at Christmas? The internet offers wonderful opportunities to easerepparttar 130519 pressure on shopping and having moved from a bustling city to a small island last year where choice is very limited this is a growing activity, not to say obsession in our household.

But is thisrepparttar 130520 way Christmas has to be for us?

Lois Reeve has been a personal and careers adviser for twenty years. She provides individual coaching to individuals and employers on all aspects ot employment and training. Life-long interest in discussing issues from a female perspective. Now established a website to provide a forum for women to discuss issues at Free ezine as requested.

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