Frequently Asked Questions about welding rod injuries from Manganese exposure

Written by Michael Monheit, Esquire, Monheit Law, PC

Continued from page 1


What should I do if I am suffering from welding rod manganism?

Consult your doctor if you believe you may be suffering manganese poisoning. Make sure that your doctor is aware ofrepparttar similarities between manganism and Parkinson's disease. If you, or someone you love, has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, talk to your doctor aboutrepparttar 114692 possibility of manganese exposure. Some doctors may not be aware ofrepparttar 114693 risk associated with manganism. You may wish to consult a specialist who is familiar with manganism, its symptoms and its treatment.


Is there a test for manganese toxicity?

Yes. Doctors working with patients who have manganism can administer a test to determinerepparttar 114694 extent of manganese poisoning, as well asrepparttar 114695 likelihood thatrepparttar 114696 illness isrepparttar 114697 result of manganese exposure.


Can anything be done to curerepparttar 114698 health effects of manganism?

Not yet. The disease can, however, be managed to some extent; although, like Parkinson's disease, there is no known cure at this time. Manganism is considered a chronic condition, in that it remains withrepparttar 114699 sufferer forrepparttar 114700 rest of his or her life.


What are my welding rod litigation rights on manganese exposure?

Courts have begun to award damages to those plaintiffs who can demonstrate that their health issues arerepparttar 114701 result of manganese exposure and toxicity.

Michael Monheit, Esquire is the managing attorney for Monheit Law, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Monheit Law, P.C. concentrates its practice in the field of plaintiff personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. They can be found at


Written by Hera Alam

Continued from page 1

ISNT IT AMAZING??? SURE IT IS! This is why people have such an idealization of this dangerous product.

There are roughly 50 million smokers inrepparttar United States.These 50 million smokers consume incredibly 800 billion cigarettes annually. Cigarette smoking is also increasing rapidly in other parts ofrepparttar 114691 world, particularly inrepparttar 114692 lesser-developed countries.

The harmful effects of tobacco smoking, and in particular cigarette smoking, on health are now well accepted.Such effects includerepparttar 114693 direct action of cigarettes onrepparttar 114694 respiratory tract, causing cancer ofrepparttar 114695 lung, as well as more indirect action on other organs such as arteries and heart. While smoking, almost 500 different gases are released intorepparttar 114696 lungs andrepparttar 114697 body, also there is release of roughly 3,500 chemicals including nicotine and large number of carcinogenic chemicals. Some of these chemicals,specially nicotine, lead to strong addiction.

The harmful effects of cigarette smoking onrepparttar 114698 musculoskeletal system (the bones, joints and muscles) have not beenrepparttar 114699 subject of much publicity, nor haverepparttar 114700 public or doctors given itrepparttar 114701 same attention that they have to other diseases caused by smoking.

Scientists have analyzed clinical studies ofrepparttar 114702 effects of smoking onrepparttar 114703 musculoskeletal system. Their findings are summarized here:

Smoking reducesrepparttar 114704 amount of available oxygen inrepparttar 114705 tissues underrepparttar 114706 skin, due to this healing is affected by smoking, since oxygen is necessary close wounds.It also reducesrepparttar 114707 blood flow.One study showed that even one cigarette could cause quite severe constriction ofrepparttar 114708 blood vessels inrepparttar 114709 fingers.So it is obviously highly desirable for smokers to quit smoking before and after any surgery,it definitely aids patient recovery. One study pointed out that smoking decreased bone formation in osteoporotic patients. Another study showed that while a non-smoker can build 1 centimeter of bone in 2 takes a smoker 3 months!

It should be remembered that annually over 500,000 deaths inrepparttar 114710 United States, and millions more throughoutrepparttar 114711 world, are caused by smoking!

Now if you listen to your heart,I am sure it is telling you - never smoke again. Life can be longer as a ex-smoker, and life is better as a ex-smoker. Consider this whenever external or internal forces call out to you.We shall also move forward to eradicate smoking and shall take steps to keep our place clean from this social evil.


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