French Country Style Decorating Ideas

Written by Jill Kane

Continued from page 1

Some other accents you may want to use – baskets of fruit and/or bread,repparttar classic topiary for a centerpiece, garlands of wildflowers to surround windows or drape anywhere for that country meadow look, blue and white china, lace curtains and hand hooked rugs to soften those hard stone floors. If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace, which isrepparttar 118023 heart of a French country home, decorate it by hanging some copper pots or perhaps a few sprigs of dried herbs or wildflowers. Also, roosters, cats, geese and other barnyard animal likenesses are popular themes for artwork to establish that cozy, rural ambience.

Whether you live in a farmhouse or a grand chateau (or somewhere in between) a French country style can be incorporated into your home.

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Jill Kane is the owner of A site with tips and resources related to home decorating.

Tuscan Style Decorating Ideas

Written by Jill Kane

Continued from page 1

If you’re redoing your walls, a simple way of getting that time-burnished stucco look is to use Venetian plaster, which is simply drywall compound mixed with latex paint. First, paintrepparttar walls a Tuscany color such as gold, cream or even a terra cotta red. Then spreadrepparttar 118022 plaster overrepparttar 118023 wall in varying thicknesses – let some ofrepparttar 118024 painted wall show through. Then, you can seal it with a latex sealer if you wish. Or, you may want to check out wallpapers that imitate this look.

Keep in mind,repparttar 118025 whole idea is to create a warm, comfortable “lived in” look and you’ll get it using these ideas and some of your own.

Visit for more information.

Jill Kane is the owner of A site with tips and resources related to home decorating.

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