Freelance Tips: How to Cope with Spring Fever When There's Work to Be Done

Written by Dina Giolitto,

Continued from page 1

5. Designate a time to check email. How many times have you set your mind to a task only to find you've lost an entire hour because you maderepparttar mistake of checking email? Email is by farrepparttar 135790 biggest time waster, especially whenrepparttar 135791 weather is warm and everyone's preoccupied with frivolity. Don't give in torepparttar 135792 temptation! Instead, designate two or three hours of your day to checking and responding to emails as well as deleting old ones that take up space in your mailbox. And NO, that forward your Aunt Millie sent does not count as a work-related email!

6. Take it outside. Who says you have to sit in a dark room staring atrepparttar 135793 monitor for 9 hours straight? Ifrepparttar 135794 weather is balmy, why not enjoy it while atrepparttar 135795 same time keeping busy! Print out your documents, grab a beach chair and choose a nice, quiet spot where you can work quietly and enjoyrepparttar 135796 warm sunshine. Don't forget a paperweight of some kind in caserepparttar 135797 wind picks up!

7. Do some spring cleaning. Sometimes,repparttar 135798 best way to rid your mind of clutter is to rid your workspace of clutter. Grabrepparttar 135799 paper shredder, go through those old dusty files and clear away all that needless paperwork you'll never use again. Organize your office so that everything you need is within reach, such as paper clips, folders, pens, pads; and of course, your Springline stapler. Junk those useless computer files littering your computer desktop. Take a trip to Staples for a Rolodex and some stacking file holders. Once you're done reorganizing, you can finally get down to business!

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Dina Giolitto is a New-Jersey based Copywriting Consultant with nine years' industry experience. Her current focus is web content and web marketing for a multitude of products and services although the bulk of her experience lies in retail for big-name companies like Toys"R"Us. Visit for rates and samples.

Overcoming the Fear of Selling

Written by Kara Kelso

Continued from page 1

People are natural-born sellers. We just don't realize it when we're not making money from it. Let's say you go to a movie that you loved and you have a friend that you know would enjoy it too. Wouldn't you recommend it to him/her?

So why is it that as soon as we go into sales we automatically feel as though we can’t recommendrepparttar products we sell. Why is it that we tend to feel guilty because we’re going to make a profit off of it?

If you are one that has a fear of selling, take some time today to figure outrepparttar 135789 cause of your fear, and take action to fix it!

~~~~~~~ About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. Learn how you can be successful in your company by visiting:

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