Freeing Ourselves From Toxic Ties With the Past – Part II

Written by John R. Cook

Continued from page 1

Although a very powerful healing tool, EMDR can sometimes causerepparttar client to have an overwhelming emotional experience. Recognizingrepparttar 139184 need of many clients for a more gradual approach to dealing with their feelings, Vancouver-area clinicians Audrey Cook (no relation) and Dr. Rick Bradshaw developed an experimental offshoot to EMDR called One Eye Integration or OEI. OEI has in common with EMDRrepparttar 139185 client visually trackingrepparttar 139186 therapist’s fingers, andrepparttar 139187 fact that they both operate onrepparttar 139188 root ofrepparttar 139189 problem rather than just provide symptomatic relief.

Unlike EMDR, OEI uses a procedure called “switching” that involves covering and uncovering one eye at a time. This procedure takes advantage ofrepparttar 139190 fact that we often experience strong negative emotion differently when one eye is open, compared to whenrepparttar 139191 other eye is open. Try this by covering one eye and thenrepparttar 139192 other withrepparttar 139193 inside corner of your palm, next time you feel upset. If you do notice more intensity in one eye thanrepparttar 139194 other, quickly switch away torepparttar 139195 calmer eye, and stay there as long as you need to calm down before switching back.

There are currently only two clinicians practising OEI on Vancouver Island atrepparttar 139196 present time. Contact either me (881-1206) or clinical counsellor, Tanya Bedford (213-1455) for more information.

Dr. Cook is a registered clinical psychologist and founder of Aegis Psychological Services Inc.. His speciality is helping people with stress and anxiety-related conditions, including job-related and post-traumatic stress.

How Safe Is the Atkins Diet?

Written by Michael Lewis

Continued from page 1

Low Carb Diet Can Produce Significant Weight Loss


The Duke study shows part of whyrepparttar diet is so popular, it can produce significant weight loss. It also produces it without a lot of annoying calorie counting andrepparttar 139183 irritability associated with diets.

Known for Easy Weight Loss


"You're not as hungry as with other diets, and that is a really good thing," says Jenny Anderson, an Internet consultant from Mamaroneck, N.Y., who is onrepparttar 139184 diet. "That makes it easier to stay on it. So does seeing results fairly quickly. One bad thing is that it forbids caffeine, and I had a lot of bad headaches from coffee withdrawal."

Another drawback torepparttar 139185 low-carb diet is its severely limited menu options.

"At first, eggs and bacon in butter for breakfast every day is fun, but day after day of only meat and fat at every meal can get tiresome," says Anderson.

So therein liesrepparttar 139186 controversy. On one hand you have lots of stories of significant weight loss on a relatively user-friendly diet. Onrepparttar 139187 other, you have dietitians and nutritionists who maintain thatrepparttar 139188 weight loss produced is short-term and can threaten a person's overall health, despiterepparttar 139189 fact thatrepparttar 139190 weight loss itself may haverepparttar 139191 beneficial effect of lowering cholesterol.

Who is right? Maybe both sides. It provides weight loss at a very high cost to overall health, or at least that has been repparttar 139192 prevailing medical opinion.

Low Carbohydrate Diet May Not Be As Bad As We Thought


"There have been reports inrepparttar 139193 medical literature that say that this low-carb diet may not be as bad as we thought," says Susan Barr, registered dietitian in New York City. "That makes people interested again in this diet, but until there is more research on what stressesrepparttar 139194 diet places on repparttar 139195 body, there is no way to know what it might be doing besides providing short-term weight loss.

Michael Lewis has been collecting articles and information on Weight Loss and HGH (Human Growth Hormone and related health benefits. He has created and edits numerous web sites about this subject. Michael is a staff writer for

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