Free Weights vs. Exercise Machines

Written by Aaron M. Potts, ISSA CFT

Continued from page 1

Let us now sidestep over torepparttar weight room whererepparttar 112871 dumbbells are kept, and once again get inrepparttar 112872 start position for a standing bicep curl withrepparttar 112873 dumbbells. Noticerepparttar 112874 term "standing". You know, like you DIDN'T do all day at work, and hopefully also did not do in your car onrepparttar 112875 way torepparttar 112876 gym. So before we even startrepparttar 112877 exercise, we are using more muscles than we did onrepparttar 112878 machine - namelyrepparttar 112879 leg muscles.

Now let's pick up a 10 lb dumbbell in each hand. We've just added 20 lbs to our body weight. What is keeping us from losing our center of balance and falling clean over? The abdominal muscles andrepparttar 112880 muscles ofrepparttar 112881 lower back and spine. Now we are using our legs, our abs, and our back. Flex those elbows and start to raiserepparttar 112882 dumbbells. Now our center of gravity has become a fluid state, and our legs, back, and abs all have to constantly compensate to maintain posture. Oh, andrepparttar 112883 biceps are also in onrepparttar 112884 action by this point, as arerepparttar 112885 forearms,repparttar 112886 fingers, andrepparttar 112887 shoulder girdle.

We now haverepparttar 112888 dumbbells allrepparttar 112889 way up and it's time to start lowering them again, via an eccentric contraction ofrepparttar 112890 biceps (also know as extendingrepparttar 112891 elbow). What muscle group controlsrepparttar 112892 extension ofrepparttar 112893 elbow? The triceps onrepparttar 112894 back ofrepparttar 112895 arm.

Did you lose track yet? It's okay if you did because you have illustratedrepparttar 112896 point:

Machine Bicep Curl: Usesrepparttar 112897 biceps, forearms, and fingers Cost: Thousands of dollars

Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl: Usesrepparttar 112898 biceps, forearms, fingers, legs, abs, back, triceps, and shoulders. Cost: $40 for a good set of dumbbells that can be used for dozens of other exercises

In a nutshell, free weight exercises simply USE MORE MUSCLES than machines do, which make them more effective. Does that mean thatrepparttar 112899 machines are a complete waste? Absolutely not! In some circumstances it is BETTER to stabilizerepparttar 112900 muscles being used in any given movement. However, those circumstances arerepparttar 112901 exception, rather thanrepparttar 112902 rule.

So what do you do? Change up your routine, and incorporate free weights as well as machine exercises. However, keeprepparttar 112903 machine work to a minimum - say 20% of your total time spent working with weights. Spendrepparttar 112904 other 80% developing your stabilizer muscles, your sense of balance and coordination, and if nothing else - just standing up!

After all, you can go home and sit down onrepparttar 112905 couch to enjoy your post-workout snack. The bicep machine already broughtrepparttar 112906 kids home from soccer practice, remember?

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals.

Attitude: The Forgotten Power

Written by Aaron M. Potts, ISSA CFT

Continued from page 1

Oh sure, you may have joined a gym, or bought a new Litmus 3000 Super-Decker top ofrepparttar line treadmill/clothes hanger, but did you really believe that you were going to do it this time? If you are reading this and you are in perfect physical condition, then congratulations - you did it! Forrepparttar 112870 rest of you, are you seeingrepparttar 112871 point? You didn't truly believe it, because otherwise it would have happened.

Each of us shelters hidden either very deeply or sometimes NOT so deeply a seed of doubt that we will really succeed. When that seed is there - whether it is planted deeply or not - your subconscious waters it and feeds it. The next thing you know, it is has grown into an entire field of self-limiting beliefs, and you have neitherrepparttar 112872 time norrepparttar 112873 desire to get out there inrepparttar 112874 field and destroy that evil crop!

What are you to do, then? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Why? The answer to that is simple - because you arerepparttar 112875 only one who truly can. Others may support you, and they may even show yourepparttar 112876 path, but it is YOU who has to walk it.

Taking Action

We have coveredrepparttar 112877 need for you to clearly see your goal, and for you to userepparttar 112878 power of belief to start walking downrepparttar 112879 path, but what's next?

The next step isrepparttar 112880 same for you as it is for an aspiring business owner, or a college freshman, or an artist staring at a blank canvas - you have to TAKE ACTION. You can readrepparttar 112881 top 2 sections of this article all day long, but doing so won't burn off any bodyfat, or pack any muscle tissue onto your body. Only appropriately carried out action can do that.

Think of allrepparttar 112882 self-help books that you have read, or programs that you have watched on TV, or listened to onrepparttar 112883 radio. Did any of them do you any good whatsoever if you didn't take action on what you had learned? What about what you have read so far in this article? Has it been helpful? Most likely. Will it do you any good if you don't Take Action? Nope. Negative. No way. Nada. You getrepparttar 112884 picture.

You can read, listen, and watch your way right into a bodyfat level that would make a sumo wrestler jealous, or consider your options until your muscles have diminished so much that you can't even lift a toast to your dearly departed dreams, but none of that will mean squat if you don't GET UP and make it happen!

Why are you still sitting here? Get out there and Take Action!

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals.

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