Free Traffic Course - Day 5

Written by Nickolay Bokhonok

Continued from page 1

5. Recruit and train affiliates - autoresponder is a perfect tool for educating and motivating your subscribers. They get more info with each new message, and you increase your web site credibility.

6. Ask for feedback from your clients - make it a usual practise to ask your clients once a month what they need from your web site. You do not even imagine how many good ideas they will give you for free.

7. Minimize refunds - when your customer gets more and more info that explainsrepparttar real benefits and advantages ofrepparttar 148763 offer bought from your web site, this client has less and less desire to ask money back.


You can userepparttar 148764 maximum profits from marketing potential of autoresponder, only when this autoresponder hasrepparttar 148765 following features:

- you can get unlimited number of autoresponders; - you can add new autoresponders or editrepparttar 148766 existing ones; - you can choose and set uprepparttar 148767 mailing list to saverepparttar 148768 subscribers of your autoresponder (the system will save new subscribers to any mailing list you wish); - you can program autoresponder by days, scheduling to send its messagesrepparttar 148769 way you wish; - you can make autoresponder messages in TXT and HTML formats, and add attachments to them (audio or even vide files); - you can use a huge collection of macros elements to highly personalize your autoresponder messages; - you can get full statistics about sent messages, new subscribers, unsubscribed users of autoresponder; - you can import and exportrepparttar 148770 subscribers to any base, or save them in a separate file.

When autoresponder has these features, you can easily turn a simple subscription process into a new source of loyal clients on your web site.

The benefits of using autoresponder are evident: you do not visitors from your web site, you grow your base of subscribers and clients, you can motivate your subscribers and client to get more targeted for your offers. Plus, autoresponder automatesrepparttar 148771 whole process of gatheringrepparttar 148772 names and emails from your subscribers, saving them into a database, emailing them underrepparttar 148773 set delivery schedule, transferringrepparttar 148774 clients from one base to another, etc.

So, if you do not have autoresponder on your web site, you are losing your profits. Think it over...

Nickolay Bokhonok - CEO And Owner Of DesktopMoney LTD. Inventor of Internet marketing software and scripts. Successful Internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about these traffic building strategies, schemes and tips in "Free Traffic Course" at FreeTrafficSystem - Your Web Site Traffic Doctor.


Written by sharmila

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