Free? There’s No Such Thing As A “Free Lunch” Anymore

Written by Loring A. Windblad

Continued from page 1

When anyone offers you something for free, you are going to pay for it sooner or later --- there aren’t any free lunches left.

So how much isrepparttar “free” going to cost? Well, figure it out. Figure out how muchrepparttar 100265 item really costsrepparttar 100266 person who is giving it away. Then multiply that figure by at least 2X to 5X.. This will give you a pretty good idea ofrepparttar 100267 range of how much it’s going to cost you.

Just as a “for example”, I’ve spent my lifetime developing a “certain flair”, a “certain skill” as it were, both as a bridge player and as a writer. I’m almost 70, so its most of my adult life that I’ve been learning to write effectively. How much is that worth? Let’s say I write a booklet sharing my bridge secrets with you, teaching you how you can learn to play bridge as well as I play. How much is that worth? Maybe $20? How about $15? For sure at least $10. Now I give it away --- why? Only because you have purchased something from me which pays me what I believe is fair value (a good profit for me) and I want to “give you a gift that has extra value to you”!

Are you beginning to getrepparttar 100268 picture? No, I wrote my bridge book way back in 1968 and maybe I should write another one now? Butrepparttar 100269 point I was illustrating is that, if I did write a book and if I then gave it away it would be to make you feel good about something you were buying from me, something which made enough profit for me that I could afford to give you something of value, something created out of my life’s experience.

There are no free lunches –-- and any time someone tries to convince you that there is, look forrepparttar 100270 real cost of what you’re getting and make an educated decision on whether its really worth it. Is what you are paying for what you are buying worth what you are getting “for FREE”?

Oh, yes. I’m off ofrepparttar 100271 “free” hosting --- and I no longer have those annoying pop-up ads coming up on my web site. Make sure thatrepparttar 100272 next time someone offers you something “for FREE” that you check it out and make sure it really is worth what you are paying for it. Because you will be paying for it.

Loring Windblad is a published author and successful HBB entrepreneur for the past 40 years. His latest HBB involvement is with Organic Greens.

Affiliate Marketing:Promoting your own web presents

Written by Joe L.Golson

Continued from page 1

For an individual Netrepreneur, placing your own photo on every page you promote can be most beneficial, add your name and a telephone number and before long people will start to: 1] recognize your face 2] develop a comfort zone around you 3] join programs and/or purchase from your webpage(s)

Sure you could spend a lot of time and money creating a 'Brand', but most ofrepparttar great ones are gone or inrepparttar 100264 very least already on a drawing table somewhere.Onrepparttar 100265 other hand, a photo of your head and shoulders is already copyrighted to you, people's natural curiosity compels them to look at faces, and faces ALWAYS last inrepparttar 100266 mind's eye far longer than any name or phrase.

For Affiliate Marketers,having your own theme,content rich website is important,and you should be promoting affiliate products and services that are revelent to your themed website.

Affiliate Marketing isrepparttar 100267 ideal low-cost work at home business opportunity when done right.Get your own website and Brand it.Use it as a platform to promote your affiliate marketing work from home home business opportunities.

For more information on other home business opportunities visit see our Recommended Home-Based Business Start-Up Guide here

Joe L.Golson, writer and Affiliate Marketeer promoting Affiliate programs, products and services with many successes in work at home home business opportunities.Visit our website :

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