Free SpamCheck Tool

Written by Phil Bradshaw

Continued from page 1

TESTFlower-Lovers Ezine #007: Peonies forrepparttar Yukon

STEP 2: Copy-and-pasterepparttar 105589 rest of your e-zine and simply send it, exactlyrepparttar 105590 way you would send it to your recipient, to...


You'll get a report back (in seconds, perhaps a few minutes if volume is heavy) telling you how good or bad your e-mail is, from a spam-detector's point of view. You will receive a full, free report of all corrections that you should make to your zine, in order to stay out ofrepparttar 105591 junk folders. It does NOT, of course, actually comment on WHAT you write -- first, it's not that smart. And second,repparttar 105592 actual content is YOUR business! ;-)

And remember, this SpamChecker is just one feature ofrepparttar 105593 E-zine MailOut tool, which itself is merely one part ofrepparttar 105594 entire system of Site Build It! tools... guaranteed to make any small business succeed online... in a tenth ofrepparttar 105595 time ... at a tenth of price.

For more information about Site Build It!, please see...

Phil owns a number of web sites and has and is involved with a number of Affiliate sites, and

Breaking Down the Language Barrier

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Continued from page 1

The second option is for translating a whole website. Say you've got a website for your e-commerce business exporting a new kind of deodorant, but in this instance you are a French person (a country know for its fine scents) and you would like to enterrepparttar Japanese online market as you are well aware that they have a strong stigma against body odor. Well, just click on French-Japanese, put in your web address, and in a few seconds, bang,repparttar 105588 whole site has been interpreted into Japanese. You can then add a Ja/ atrepparttar 105589 end of your address thus making a whole new website just for Japanese speaking people. To do this you may have to download a Japanese language pack from your computer but that shouldn't be much of a problem

Some people may complain that your language is bad, or get some misinterpretations of ideas because ofrepparttar 105590 newness of this technology, but I do think it can be very useful. You can have some contact with people and information that otherwise may have been totally impossible before. Whenrepparttar 105591 concept is evolved further, as isrepparttar 105592 case with all worthwhile technological additions to human society, I believerepparttar 105593 results will be spectacular.

Imagine anyone and everyone being able to connect and read each other's ideas and information. Humanity could reach a level of understanding and appreciation of each other's differences that then could have huge effects that resound across perceived boundaries bringing everyone much closer together. Hey, maybe one day we could all realize that we are all human beings, all individuals, and all fromrepparttar 105594 same place: Earth.

Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Jesse S. Somer speaks English, is learning to speak Japanese, knows a few bits of several other languages, but most of all speaks Human.

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