Free Internet Marketing?

Written by Dave Ryan

Continued from page 1
The main two free viral marketing sites online are Traffic Swarm and FreeViral. . These two sites are enough for a web page to get 1000's a day of targeted traffic coming after seeding. It is suggested that if you do want to run a pay per click ad campaign then you should set up your viral accounts first. Ofrepparttar people drawn by your pay per click campaign may join under you and seed your free ads. This can turn a small pay per click campaign into a residual ad campaign that could end up giving you 1000's of residual visitors a day.

Stay tuned forrepparttar 146264 fallow up article to this for more insider secrets of internet marketing.

Founder of the Evolution Business Network, a website that provides free resources for internet marketing, home business, and affiliate programs.

My Story of Lifetime "Unpaid" Commissions

Written by Mark Tse

Continued from page 1

Protect Affiliate Link

If you own a website, you should use redirection script to protect affiliate links. For example, I use to redirect to my Affiliate Classroom affiliate link.

The importance of using redirection is ifrepparttar site disappears, you can redirectrepparttar 145921 landing location to another affiliate program as soon as possible. Therefore no traffic will lost from your past promotion.

If you do not have your own website, I highly recommend you get one first. Or if you like you can use short url service like

To your affiliate marketing success,

Mark Tse

This article is written by Mark Tse. Mark shares free tips, articles and downloads about Internet Marketing. You can visit his Internet Marketing Blog and read his latest posts here:

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