Free! How To Get Hoards of Targeted Visitors to Your Site Starting Today For Free!

Written by Mark Meyers

Continued from page 1

Does that interest you?

There is a breakthough new advertizing system that installs a simple toolbar into your web browser (MS Internet Explorer only at this point).

The toolbar basically does two things:

1. Adds to a counter each time you visit a web page. 2. Displays a simple text ad.

And that's it!

I assure you it doesn't track which web page you visited, it isn't spyware or adware.

But here isrepparttar really nice thing: Your text ad will be atrepparttar 100648 very top (the best position?) of thousands of people's web browser each and every day, and it doesn't cost you a single cent.

People will only click onrepparttar 100649 link whenrepparttar 100650 ad message is interesting to them, so these are people who are interested in what you are offering (read "Targeted") coming to your site.

Is that exciting?

Some top internet marketers like Mark Joyner, Mike Filsaime and Tellman Knudson to name just a few, are using this to explode their lists and sales right now!

As with anything that is successful, there will soon be copycat programs, but this isrepparttar 100651 first.

I am updating my results every few days and you can read about it here:

I hope this helps you build your internet business,

Have a super day! Mark Meyers

Mark Meyers is an internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur.

In his newsletter "The Internet Income Advisor" he cuts-to-the-chase and gives you ideas and opportunities for earning a nice income online. Why not grab a free copy of his breakthrough new book: "Reliable Monthy Income"

Advertise to a Targeted Market

Written by Sandra Earon

Continued from page 1

Starting in 2005, there will be monthly giveaways including free egg sculptures, massages and annual state park passes. This will bring even more visitors torepparttar website.

If you are in a Georgia tourism, hospitality or recreation industry, your business will advertise successfully in These arerepparttar 100647 "target markets" visitors look for inrepparttar 100648 website.

For more information, please call 770-965-5166 and ask for Sandy.

Sandra Earon specializes in graphic design, web development and Internet marketing. In 1998, she created a website for Georgia recreation - It is #1 in Google, Yahoo, MSN and more for "Georgia Outdoor Recreation."

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