Franchises - Success and You

Written by Ernie Horning

Continued from page 1

Learn every job and every position of your business. Be able to step in and help when needed. Be ready when employees quit, don't show, or simply think you can't manage without them. I can tell you from personal experience, all these things happen. The last thing you want is one of your employees having an upper hand with YOUR BUSINESS, because you can't do their job.

Be able to acceptrepparttar fact that you don't "know it all", regardless of your past experiences and expertise. Listen to your franchisor and other franchisees. It is your business, but they have been doing it longer. Utilize their knowledge and expertise. The wrong attitude coupled with a few bad decisions may jeopardize your investment and your dream.

Remember,repparttar 103221 one major variable in a franchises success is you. A franchise can be a very rewarding and profitable business when operatedrepparttar 103222 right way, byrepparttar 103223 RIGHT PERSON!


Ernie Horning is a Franchise Consultant and owns multiple businesses. He is also a former franchise owner, and writes articles for

Suriviving and planning for retirement

Written by Ieuan Dolby

Continued from page 1

Gold is of course an attractive option! Not only does it have value but it also looks nice and impresses friends but ……..too many problems are associated with this metal. Whenrepparttar time comes to sellrepparttar 103220 price maybe way down; actual appreciation is not a definite possibility and storage is a constant hassle. Storage boxes in banks are not cheap andrepparttar 103221 money used for rental would be best invested elsewhere. Underrepparttar 103222 bed is notrepparttar 103223 safest or most secure of places, especially when friends are 'shownrepparttar 103224 hoard' after a drunken night onrepparttar 103225 town!

In reality there are only a limited number of ways forrepparttar 103226 average wage earner to invest money forrepparttar 103227 future! One way is to choose a couple of Investment Trusts - more than one just incase one of these institutes happens to go bust! These are companies that work with 'small' people's money by spreading risk over a variety of businesses that trade on a stock exchange of one nation or another! The other advantage of these companies is thatrepparttar 103228 government tends to be favorable towards them and so tax incentives and reductions often apply!

One could of course invest heavily on horse racing or into a casino in Las Vegas but gambling has never really provided long term returns. Lottery tickets and scratch cards remain an ever hopeful means to an end but, dream on!

Let's not live under false pretences. Be brutal and facerepparttar 103229 fact that unless one has lots of money,repparttar 103230 chance of getting lots of money is well ……. best left unsaid! For example: 2000 pounds worth of bonds purchased fromrepparttar 103231 Post Office (National Savings - hahaha) yields 2475 pounds after five years of care. Now in anybodies calculations even after twenty years in servitude that amount is not going to keeprepparttar 103232 'cat inrepparttar 103233 bag orrepparttar 103234 'pigeons inrepparttar 103235 coop' (whatever best describesrepparttar 103236 situation)! The security of investments even inrepparttar 103237 most secure of environments is not secure andrepparttar 103238 property bubble might explode at any moment, oh and should you be winningrepparttar 103239 government will ruin it all by charging stamp duty or VAT, inheritance tax, capital gains tax or just tax to reducerepparttar 103240 final amount to what you first started with and plus a penny for luck!

What isrepparttar 103241 answer?

One supermarket recently had on offer tins of baked bean; buy twelve and get one free! Another chain decided to offload hundreds of packets of pasta: spend a hundred and get a delightful packet of pasta twists for free. And another had loads of; two forrepparttar 103242 price of one items aroundrepparttar 103243 store! The answer is to buy these products, as much as one can get hold of and store them forrepparttar 103244 future. Dig holes underground, fill cellars and attic's with non-perishable goods and so when retirement days sneak up unexpectedly you may not haverepparttar 103245 money to go out but at least you will not go hungry!

Well, not quite a suitable answer but then options are very limited for those without a penny to spare! Selling oneself as a matured sex slave to some North Korean General will probably not appeal to many and suicide atrepparttar 103246 age of 67 (after having spentrepparttar 103247 1,347 pounds saved overrepparttar 103248 last forty years of hard work) is more difficult to achieve than previously planned for.

In factrepparttar 103249 only real answer is to move out ofrepparttar 103250 country, to buy a small property inrepparttar 103251 south of France, in Romania or Spain where prices are half if not a quarter of those inrepparttar 103252 UK, whererepparttar 103253 value of life is far better and whererepparttar 103254 air is clean. One pound will go a lot further so ………….. Maybe this isrepparttar 103255 only way!

Ieuan Dolby is the Author and Webmaster of Seamania . As a Chief Engineer in the Merchant Navy he has sailed the world for fifteen years. Now living in Taiwan he writes about cultures across the globe and life as he sees it.

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