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Also be sure that joists are securely spiked to header. Try, as far as possible, to make headers of one continuous piece of material. If this isn't possible, be sure to join pieces over center line of one of piers.
Joists members are what your flooring will rest on. The sizes applicable to each building are shown in sectional and plan drawings. In most cases they are 2-by-6-Inch members laid 16 inches on center. I have tried to design all camps so that it will not be necessary to cut most of joists.
They are standard lengths which you can purchase from your local lumberyard. Because joint spans are short, it isn't necessary to bridge members. However, if you want a really good job, put l-by-3-inch pieces of lumber between joists as shown in sketch at side. You can also buy metal bridging if you would rather use it.
Bridging is usually done every 8 feet along length of joist. The floor joists are typically designed to take a uniform load of 40 pounds. The fiber stress (f) is 900 or over. Don't worry your head about these figures.
What it means to you is that you should use Douglas fir (Coast Region or Inland Empire), West Coast hemlock, Western larch, Southern yellow pine, redwood, oak, or any other wood having necessary characteristics. Most yards carry either Douglas fir or hemlock for framing purposes.
About the Author: Jack Hudson is a writer for and These two sites work collectively as a resouce for the planning and building of log cabins as well as choosing from different house plans. Visit one of these sites for informative articles as well as free TIPS for building a log home or choosing a house plan.