Four Steps a Recruiter Takes to Trash CVs and Resumes

Written by Dr. Amjad Rafiq

Continued from page 1

By nowrepparttar recruitment manager has gladly trashed 70% of allrepparttar 107112 pile and is left with around 80-90 CVs or resumes. Happy withrepparttar 107113 time he has saved, he or she can now spend a little more quality time scanning what remains.

The second stage: 10-15 second glance atrepparttar 107114 first page

At this point,repparttar 107115 recruitment manager is looking for what is specifically relevant. This requires a match betweenrepparttar 107116 skills required forrepparttar 107117 job andrepparttar 107118 skills and achievements presented by you. So without really looking at your or CV or resume in too much detail, he simply wants to identify what have you got to offer and does it match his or her organisation’s requirements. He or she will be looking to identify this onrepparttar 107119 first page and without having to try hard to locate this information. The match could be general or it could be specific. But becauserepparttar 107120 recruitment manager is only interested in a general match, spending a relatively small amount of time (10-15 seconds) in gauging this, he will include CVs or resumes at this stage which will still be filtered later. By now there around 40 CVs or resumes that remain, about half fromrepparttar 107121 first stage of filtering.

The third stage: Short listing forrepparttar 107122 interview stage

Hererepparttar 107123 recruitment manager spends a little more time, and picks out those CVs and resumes that have a specific match, or a very close match torepparttar 107124 job requirements, and these are considered potential candidates. Here,repparttar 107125 method ofrepparttar 107126 recruitment manager has changed from elimination of irrelevant CVs and resumes to picking out highly relevant and quality matches. So after this stage, about two-thirds ofrepparttar 107127 remaining pile will be discarded and we have around 15 CVs or resumes that remain.

The fourth stage: Picking candidates fromrepparttar 107128 short list

It is only at this point thatrepparttar 107129 recruitment manager will now look in more detail and go beyondrepparttar 107130 first page ofrepparttar 107131 CV or resume to pick candidates fromrepparttar 107132 short list. There are a number of factors thatrepparttar 107133 recruitment manager will be focusing upon:

* Isrepparttar 107134 candidate’s latest work experience related torepparttar 107135 job being offered

* Doesrepparttar 107136 candidate have a strong academic background

* What type of companies hasrepparttar 107137 candidate worked for

* What achievements hasrepparttar 107138 candidate demonstrated from previous jobs

* What non-technical and job-specific skills doesrepparttar 107139 candidate possess

After looking at these factors,repparttar 107140 final interview list will be prepared which can be less than 5 candidates. So, have you got a CV or resume that will survive these four steps? The reality ofrepparttar 107141 recruitment process shows that you need a targeted and focused CV or resume that not only grabs attention by showing a skills match, but is also crafted, worded and formatted to give you an edge over other candidates.

Dr. Amjad Rafiq is a careers consultant who has provided online solutions for International recruitment agencies. He is also the developer of which is an online CV building service that combines all the various elements to creating winning CVs and resumes.

How to Choose Your Ideal Career

Written by Skye Thomas

Continued from page 1

Many ofrepparttar community colleges have these cool placement tests that tell you what kinds of work you'd be happy doing. They ask you a bunch of multiple choice questions like if you'd rather work indoors or outside. Do you want to travel as part of your career or stay home? How much weight are you willing to lift? How introverted or extroverted are you? How much money do you want to make? After you answer these questions and a bunch more,repparttar 107111 computer system spits out a list of careers that you would be suited to. Keep in mind that what interested you at twenty isn't likely to berepparttar 107112 same as what interests you at forty. I would think that you could do an online search and find some of those tests online. These will give you some ideas you may have never considered. I remember taking one when I was in my early twenties and I ranked extremely high at "Clergy." I laughed and thought that wasrepparttar 107113 stupidest thing I'd ever heard of. I wanted to be a motivational speaker and it took me a couple of days before I realized that it's a very similar job description. Whether I'm telling you about God or I'm telling you how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, it'srepparttar 107114 same skills and many ofrepparttar 107115 same daily tasks. I'm preaching a different topic, but I'm still up on my soapbox telling you what to do and telling you how to live, aren't I? So be open minded to whatrepparttar 107116 test results show.

So, start out by brainstorming ideas of things that you would love to do if money was not an issue. Then add to itrepparttar 107117 results of one of those placement tests. Takerepparttar 107118 ideas from those two exercises and start looking atrepparttar 107119 practicalities of marketability and how much education and training are necessary. If you can find a way to do what you love and make a living at it, then you've gotrepparttar 107120 key ingredients to creating a life of abundance and prosperity thatrepparttar 107121 rest ofrepparttar 107122 world only dreams of. You don't have to stay with something just because you used to love it and now you make a lot of money doing it. If you are bored and ready for something new, then start dreaming and planning your next adventure.

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Skye Thomas is the CEO of Tomorrow's Edge, an Internet leader in inspiring leaps of faith. Her books, articles, and astrological forecasts have inspired people of all ages and faiths to recommit themselves to the pursuit of happiness. To read more of her articles and to sign up to receive her free weekly newsletter, go to To download free previews of her books, go to

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