Continued from page 1
September 2000:
Children return to school, hurrah. House gets sold. No time to be a freelance writer as we pack and try to find somewhere to live. Hurrah, magazine with travel appears — my first “glossy”. Am immensely thrilled and feel famous.
October 2000:
Settle into new abode — children are lice-free; toddler is at childcare, recommence freelance writing career. Cold and flu season begins — children take turns at being ill over three-week period. Just as they are well, I get sick.
November 2000:
Hurrah! Magazine editor that published travel article calls and asks me to write monthly articles — only small piece but feel like a very minor celebrity, however a poor one.
December 2000:
No time for writing! Consumed with making arty-crafty gifts for arty-crafty inlaws. Seriously weigh up if freelancing is viable venture. Feeling very homesick and isolated as a work-at-home mother -- missing festive activities of work life. Decide, however, that working fulltime, and coordinating offspring between school and childcare, would be too difficult. Decide to get REALLY serious about writing as soon as new year rolls around. Heartened at year-end to discover I made a very small profit from writing endeavors.
January 2001:
Have lots and lots of ideas for queries and meticulously list them, research them, but seem to have no time to write actual queries. Realize I spend far too much time thinking about being a writer than actually writing. Realize that motivation is only way to achieve writing success. Realize at times I am sadly lacking. However, do have regular magazine contribution and editing work so at least feel like I’m achieving something.
February 2001: editing gig folds in current economic climate. Sigh! Back to resume, and trawling online job sites, and piles of query letters. Anxiously checking mailbox each day for checks owing from aforementioned to appear.
Realize I will have to work a lot harder if I want to travel to Australia this year. However, at least freezing cold nights are spent at home with offspring safely ensconced at feet.
Decide to make last-ditch attempt at writing. Set achievable goals — both writing and financial, and resolve to find a cure for procrastination — self discipline.
C.S. Paquin ( is a nationally published writer in a variety of genres — from news writing to humor. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Journalism, and dreams of being a best-selling author. Her first writing love, however, is creative nonfiction and personal essays. Cheryl currently contributes to regional publications in Minnesota and she is the Editor of The Writer's Lounge (