Foster Home Uses Pay Option Mortgage Loan For California Refinance

Written by Keith Hunt

Continued from page 1

One isrepparttar fact that your payment cannot increase more than 7.5% aboverepparttar 141222 previous year forrepparttar 141223 first five years. Another gives yourepparttar 141224 option to convert to a fixed rate mortgage afterrepparttar 141225 first three years. With these features in place you can rest easy with your new adjustable mortgage.

Here is an example of what a Pay Option Mortgage could for you

Estimated Current Monthly Payment - $1663.26 New first year payment - $833.13 Estimated increased monthly cash flow- $830.13 Estimated increased yearly cash flow - $9961.52

Disclaimer-First years interest rate 1.25%. Interest charged at 3.45% forrepparttar 141226 first month. APR 3.74% subject to increase monthly. 30-year loan.

This loan may have negative amortization. Max increase/decrease in monthly payment is 7.5% per annum forrepparttar 141227 first five years. This is an ARM product. Example payments based on 7.0% interest rate and $250000 loan.

“Duringrepparttar 141228 loan process I got a chance to visit her home and was really impressed byrepparttar 141229 cleanliness of both her home and allrepparttar 141230 kids. I have three of my own and I can tell you it’s a challenge to keep uprepparttar 141231 house andrepparttar 141232 kids andrepparttar 141233 homework.”

“Clearly a great family! We decided to waive our fees and pick uprepparttar 141234 costs involved in this transaction for Mr. and Mrs. P who are providing love and shelter torepparttar 141235 innocent children victimized by addiction."

“It wasrepparttar 141236 least we could do for this amazing family that breaks even after buying clothes and food forrepparttar 141237 kids. For Angela and her husband, this is truly a labor of love!” concludes Rees.

For more information on Pay Option Mortgage Loans please call 1-866-398-4664 or go to

Full service marketing

New Bankruptcy Law – Where’s the Consumer Protection?

Written by Charles Essmeier

Continued from page 1
threshold, they will not be able to file under Chapter 7 ofrepparttar Federal bankruptcy code, which wipes out debt and givesrepparttar 141203 debtor a fresh start. Instead, they will have to file under Chapter 13, which establishes a five year repayment plan.

  • There are no provisions inrepparttar 141204 law for debt problems caused by job loss, illness or other traumatic events, despite studies that show that these arerepparttar 141205 cause of most bankruptcy cases.

  • Attorneys will now be responsible forrepparttar 141206 accuracy of paperwork filed by their clients. This will probably result in fewer bankruptcy attorneys, with those that continue to practice raising their fees substantially in order to offset their additional liability.

  • In short, most consumers are no longer protected from job loss or illness by being able to file under Chapter 7 and they will have less help from competent attorneys due torepparttar 141207 new liability provision ofrepparttar 141208 bill. There is little to “protect” consumers inrepparttar 141209 Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act. The sole benefit for consumers resulting from this bill will be lower interest rates and fees fromrepparttar 141210 credit card companies, who will save billions of dollars as a result of this legislation. Of course, shouldrepparttar 141211 credit card companies choose to keeprepparttar 141212 savings, rather than pass them on to their customers, then consumers will be left with no benefit or “protection” at all.

    ©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and, a site devoted to information regarding home equity loans.

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