Forming Partnerships and Alliances Online by Networking

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1

needs for my business so I can clearly present them to others likerepparttar

bank for a loan. He also knows I have issues with money and provides

support over time for me to overcome this shortcoming. My family has

been a great resource for giving me support when I am down and don't

think I can go on. They tell me I can do anything. Some of my impersonal business aquaintnesses like

other editors, writers, have exchanged advertising for me in exchange

for advertising. This has been a tremendous help when I was trying to

build my business. They have not only exchanged ads with me but

published my articles help to establish me as an expert in some

fields, exhanged links onrepparttar 139321 internet with their business and mine. A contact may be anyone

who provides you with access to what you want.

Contacts are people who can help you access information. They are

useful as they provide expertise you may not possess. They may have

contacts you do not have. There is power in information. You do not

have to know everything just where to get that information. That is

where your contacts come in. They providedrepparttar 139322 resource you do not

have. It is also important as a human being not to be alone in seeking

what you need and want.

Whether you are trying to find work, a new doctor, moving to a new

city, we all rely on others to help us on a daily basis. But if you

are to be effective at forming partnerships and alliances you must

make a physical record of your whom you know who might help you in

your current project. Putting on paper who you know who might be

helpful in your current situation and what resorces they may offer and

what you might offer them in return makes clearrepparttar 139323 next step of who

to contact. This will help you know what avenues to pursue both inrepparttar 139324

present and future. To do this one must be able to clearly definewhat

business you are in. This sounds obvious but I am surprised at my own

inadequecy in this department what helped me was to write a clear

business plan, and strategy plan. The difference being one is what I

am selling and my values as a business person andrepparttar 139325 other is how to

implement my business plan. I had to know my purpose, values, and

speical genius to write it clearly to others. If I cannot describe to

others my value, my business, my purpose, and my special talents then

I will not get eqaul value in exchange. So be very clear about this

part of your networking plan. For me being in tune with my Higher

Power and developing a vision that motivated me and became a passion

was necessary to networking. I also had to be able to tell others how

I was attending and developing my passion. I think ofrepparttar 139326 networks I

belong to as a method of personal empowerment and putting my head

together with others to create new realities in my life. Here is a big

one be willing to help others to succeed. Be very clear about what you

want then let others know what you want and what you have to offer;

listen carefully so you can considerrepparttar 139327 exchange what others want and

what they have to offer. Begin to create links between What you want,

what others are offering and your visions. Remember when you choose to

give you empower everyone inrepparttar 139328 network. Belive you are a part ofrepparttar 139329

web of life and when you choose to act that it sets up a ripple system

onrepparttar 139330 web of life itself. Remeber that networks are processes, they

have no one center, they are structures or hierarchies.

As hard as it may be to believe, you have exponentially more contacts

than you would ever imagine. Active networkers know that every

stranger represents an opportunity: The chance to reach targets, get

problem-solving assistance, obtain guidance and direction,

information, tips, leads, referrals, advice, support, counsel,

sponsorship, as well as enhance your self-esteem and growth.

Networking is an excellent method for creating your visibility and credibility among those important torepparttar 139331 achievement of your goal.

Active networkers know that every stranger represents an opportunity.

The chance to reach targets, get problem-solving assistance, obtain

guidance and direction, information, tips, leads, referrals, advice,

support, counsel, sponsorship, as well as enhance your self-esteem and

growth. Always remember that it's a much smaller world than you think.

You can get information by way of a chain of people very quickly.

To be effective at networking, forming partnerships there are some


You may not immediately be comfortable with reaching out and asking

people for help but you owe it to yourself to follow each step and to

do each step. Remember one has to strech their comfort level a little

at a time but do stretch it.

Judi Singleton writes ten blogs a week if you would like to read more articles like this by her go to Judi's Ramblings

Finding The Best Direct Sales Company To Suit Your Needs

Written by Stefanie Fauquet

Continued from page 1

Do you have any say over what you are selling?

This is important if you want to have control over any aspect of your business. Do your products have a predetermined price that is set, or can you set your own price? How are you allowed to sell your products? Is it only through home parties, or can you do craft shows, and fundraisers too? Another very important thing to consider is can you do advertising. Offline or Online? It may be hard to get a business going that does not allow advertising of any kind. Take a look atrepparttar company's list of “rules” before signing up.

Will you have support fromrepparttar 139307 company?

After you have joined a direct sales/home party plan opportunity, will their be any kind of training to get you started? Will you have a sponsor that will be there for you and answer all your questions? What isrepparttar 139308 customer service like atrepparttar 139309 home office? Doesrepparttar 139310 phone ring and ring when you are trying to get a hold of headquarters? Basically ask yourself if things are ran in a professional and timely manner. This can tell a lot aboutrepparttar 139311 success ofrepparttar 139312 company and how they do business.

What will your competition be like?

Another major factor to consider when beginning a home party plan is knowing what your competition will be like. You usually do not want to be involved with a saturated market. Find out how many representatives are in your area, and if possible, find out how well their business is doing. See if you can spot something they are missing and focus on that aspect of sales. When possible try to be one ofrepparttar 139313 only consultants in your area, and try to offer a unique product that can’t be found anywhere else, but through you.

Can you grow your business online?

As you may know many direct sales and home party plan companies have taken their business online. Find out ifrepparttar 139314 company you are considering allows this. Can you have your own website, that is not affiliated with your company's. Is their online ordering allowed through your website? If you do plan on taking you business online, make sure you can advertising online.

Summing it all up...

Never just jump into any direct sales business opportunity. The key that I am trying to stress to you is to do your research! Direct Sales can be a very fun and profitable venture, and long term, can make you a lot of money. Make sure you getrepparttar 139315 basics first, and chooserepparttar 139316 best company that suits your needs. Using these tips on Choosing a Direct Sales Company will have you well on your way to starting your own Home Party Business!

Stefanie Fauquet is the owner of top Direct Sales Resource site designed to help Work at Home Moms build a profitable Direct Sales Business, while being able to stay home with their kids. Visit today!

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