Forgive All Ebay Sins!

Written by Robert C. Potter

Continued from page 1

Whilerepparttar benefits of these actions may not have an immediate effect, you can be sure that should I ever have another “item of interest!” these two gentlemen would not hesitate to purchase from me. They can count on me to accommodate their needs, instead of catering to my wants. Creating this type of good will instills trust, andrepparttar 103574 knowledge that you haverepparttar 103575 customers best interest in mind.

“Me thinketh thou doth protest too much!

Do you accentuaterepparttar 103576 positive? Or, do you run on negativity? Negative Ebay feedback is a tool that everyone should use with restraint, or not at all. As a rule, I never leave negative feedback. Unless someone has blatantly lied about your product, or attacked you personally without merit, then I would not leave any feedback inrepparttar 103577 “minus” side ofrepparttar 103578 isle!

“Flame” wars are not pretty. I have seen a lot of unnecessary back and forth “banter” that could have been avoided, if they (the seller) just resistedrepparttar 103579 urge to make their “two cents” known. Sometimes it gives customersrepparttar 103580 impression that you are more concerned about arguing, then conducting your business.

I have also witnessed seller feedback that has included some pretty foul language. Engaging in this type of verbal sparring is not much of a confidence builder either. It is more telling of what you are, then about revealingrepparttar 103581 sins of your customers. Don’t go out of your way to register a negative response if you can help it. Heedrepparttar 103582 sage advice that our Mother’s use to tell us: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!”

“What we have here is a failure to communicate!” Communication with your customers should not amount torepparttar 103583 sound one hand clapping! Bottom line, if someone e-mails you with a question--answer it! Here is an example ofrepparttar 103584 type of feedback I obtained by doing just that……

“He was very Helpful and cooperative in answering questions. Follow-up: Will DEFINITELY use his services anytime he has items of interest! Great Seller!”

The gentlemen who left this positive review, wanted to know about some ofrepparttar 103585 particulars of a “Mickey Mouse” clock I had up for auction. His wife is a collector of all things Disney, and thought it would be a nice surprise for her birthday. The clock, to sayrepparttar 103586 least, was in sad shape. It was incapable of keeping time, andrepparttar 103587 only part of it in working order wasrepparttar 103588 second hand. I thought for sure that he would be disappointed withrepparttar 103589 item despite full disclosure of all of it’s imperfections.

To my surprise, not only did I receive positive feedback, but he also told me that his wife absolutely loved it! In this instance, one man’s junk, truly, is another man’s treasure! I never thought this item was worthy of any praise! The time it took to answer his questions—all of five minutes!

I know that some of you will say that I am not being realistic. You just can’t answer e-mails all day; “I have a business to run!,” you might proclaim. If you plan on making a living on Ebay, then you better think about hiring someone to help you answer your daily inquires if it is just too overwhelming. If you specialize in a particular product, set up a Frequently Asked Questions page to any Auto-Responder.

If you use Ebay on an infrequent basis, and have less than thirty listings a month, then you really don't have any excuse not to provide great customer service and e-mail communication. You shouldn’t be inundated with questions regarding that many items, unlessrepparttar 103590 product you are selling is technical in nature.

If you ignore your customers, they will go away. Good customer service should be woven intorepparttar 103591 fabric of every good business. I cannot overemphasisrepparttar 103592 importance of this issue. I continue to be perplexed byrepparttar 103593 fact that it is last onrepparttar 103594 list of business priorities for some Ebay sellers!

Will good customer service and communication alone make you rich on Ebay? That would be a resounding "no”. You will have to understand your market, and provide products thatrepparttar 103595 Ebay community will bid on consistently. There will be “bidders & buyers” out there that will make mistakes and commit some auction sins! Forgive all Ebay sins and you will be rewarded with happy, repeat customers!

Robert C. Potter is a wholesale and retail surplus products specialist. He is the author of “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale!” Over 300 Wholesale & Surplus Supply Sources For Ebay Auction Sellers, E-Commerce Websites, Flea Market Vendors, and Retail Store Owners! You can find his 160 page ebook at:

Attention Small Business Owners: 10 Things You Must Know about Web Design….that your Web Developer won’t tell you!

Written by Jessica M. Davis

Continued from page 1

6. Your web developer should designrepparttar website to display properly on all screen sizes. (800 by 600 pixels and 1024 by 768 pixels arerepparttar 103573 most common screen size, while 1280 by 768 pixels, 1280 by 1024 pixels arerepparttar 103574 least common)

7. Insist your web developer go over in detail their contract as well asrepparttar 103575 exact details of your needs, before they begin working on your site.

8. Insist on your web developer keeping you abreast of every milestone accomplished, decisions made and unforeseen changes.

9. Hosting does not have to be expensive, and a reasonable hosting fee should start at approximately $6 per month.

10. Insist that your web developer offer a website maintenance package. If they design it, they should be willing to maintain it.

It is very important that before you sign onrepparttar 103576 dotted line, don’t be afraid to ask questions. There are no stupid questions, ever. A hasty decision can cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Designing a website is like a KISS, Keep It Simple…Seriously!

Jessica M. Davis is a creative dedicated web developer who has worked in the industry for over seven years. Formerly a Web Technology Analyst, Ms. Davis is a freelance web developer who seeks to give customers relevant web design information. Jessica M. Davis may be reached at 313.204.0325, (313.259.7424 Fax), at or by mail at J. Davis & Associates Publishing, P. O. Box 44782, Detroit, MI 48244-0782.

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