Forgetting the Past

Written by Pastor Ray Stark

Continued from page 1

The humility ofrepparttar apostle is tempered by his exuberance. He puts aside all else to attain his goal of knowing Christ. Some look at verse 13 and think this means forgettingrepparttar 126874 baggage ofrepparttar 126875 past. Laying aside broken dreams, unfulfilled desires, andrepparttar 126876 failures of life. Nothing is farther from Paul's thought.

Earlier inrepparttar 126877 chapter he delineatesrepparttar 126878 things he has left behind. His spotless heritage as a Jew, his devotion torepparttar 126879 law, his righteousness under it. All things he had been proud of. When he met Christ he saw all his past pride of life and success as garbage and laid it aside. It was not worthy of being compared torepparttar 126880 risen Savior he met onrepparttar 126881 road to Damascus.

He became totally focused on His relationship withrepparttar 126882 living Christ and states in verse 15 that every mature believer will feelrepparttar 126883 same way, and that if we have not yet had that revelation, our continued fellowship with Christ will draw our mind torepparttar 126884 same conclusion as Paul. Namely, thatrepparttar 126885 most important thing on this earth is our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It carries rewards both in this life and inrepparttar 126886 one to come.

49 years of life, 30 years of marriage, 22 years pastoral and missionary, 20 years as a father, two strokes and a heart attack. Hopefully I have learned something out of all that which will be a blessing to you.

What is the Mark of the Beast

Written by Albert Matthews

Continued from page 1
repparttar EU . fromrepparttar 126873 Europe nations created their own social security number system likerepparttar 126874 United States as of today 28 nations out of 188 European nations have join . I feel byrepparttar 126875 year 2014 all 188 nations will have joined , this is when Satan orrepparttar 126876 anitchrist will startrepparttar 126877 marking of each man, woman, and child. Each person will be given their own social security number , thenrepparttar 126878 anitchrist will take theses numbers and converted them intorepparttar 126879 bar lines and place them into your right hands. Also your job will be contected to a main frame computer ,that will monitor when you scan on your job or off your job with a light pen attach torepparttar 126880 time clock scaningrepparttar 126881 marks within your right hand. Then when you buy something fromrepparttar 126882 storerepparttar 126883 item you buy is scaned and your hand is scaned ,during this time there is no money being used , your employer deposits credits like money into your bank account . Then when your hand is scanedrepparttar 126884 credits is debit from your bank account to pay for them item. All transaction will be donerepparttar 126885 same way , when you buy anything or when you sell or save money.

The anitchrist will even use a deadly weapon to create fear inrepparttar 126886 hearts of men to gain more control overrepparttar 126887 earths people, 13 And he doeth great wonders , so that he maketh fire come down from heaven onrepparttar 126888 earth inrepparttar 126889 sight of men , This isrepparttar 126890 newest weapon created in our day it is calledrepparttar 126891 laser beam , that is placed orbiting aroundrepparttar 126892 earth.

Only God could reveal what I have prophesy to you today because it works withrepparttar 126893 simpticity to success for allrepparttar 126894 tools thatrepparttar 126895 anitchrist needs is here ,repparttar 126896 stage is set up forrepparttar 126897 final act ,mayrepparttar 126898 God of heaven be with you inrepparttar 126899 name ofrepparttar 126900 Lord Jesus Christ. I have revealed by God howrepparttar 126901 anitchrist will create his government fromrepparttar 126902 inside ,byrepparttar 126903 seeing eye of God .Who sees all and knows all ,to prepare us beforerepparttar 126904 end . Don't be shaken of mind or spirits dear one for God knows how to saverepparttar 126905 righteous fromrepparttar 126906 unrighteous, bless you beloved check back for more

Metatron Archangel 7

I have been call to reveal this and much more by the Spirit of Truth in the last days, you can email me at and my web site is

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