Fonts For Your Web Site

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

These fonts include "Verdana", "Arial", "Trebuchet MS". "Georgia" and "Comic Sans MS".

Generally, when you specify a font in a web page you should indicate a primary font and a secondary font. This givesrepparttar system a choice as to which fonts to use. The tag is styled as shown below.

This tag says to use Comic Sans MS if it is available. If not, then Arial is to be used. The advantage of using this method is that you can ensure that your web pages work properly even if your visitors do not have exactlyrepparttar 134630 right fonts installed.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

Put Your Homepage To Work!

Written by Said Rouhani

Continued from page 1

5. Reduce animations. In fact, eliminate animations (especially banners) from your homepage altogether. They distract from your copy and don't do anything to improverepparttar sales power of your homepage. So what if they look cool? Are you in it to look cool or make money?

6. Get rid of outbound links. Whyrepparttar 134629 heck link AWAY from your Web site on your homepage? If you don't want people leaving your site, then don't provide them with an opportunity to do so. As simple as that.

7. Put up testimonials. Find something nice people have said about your business and put them up as testimonials on your homepage (ask for permission first of course). Subject to approval ofrepparttar 134630 person who sent yourepparttar 134631 testimonial, include repparttar 134632 name and email address ofrepparttar 134633 person atrepparttar 134634 end (and their URL if applicable). Testimonials are very important credibility builders. You MUST use them (if you haven't received any shining testimonials from your visitors, you're probably doing something wrong).

8. Keep re-working your copy. Your homepage copy will be a work in progress. It will take up to several weeks to get it right. You must constantly read through it and make adjustments, each time making it tighter and tighter. Do NOT write about yourself or your company on your homepage. It's all about your target audience and their needs and wants. Focus onrepparttar 134635 BENEFITS that your product has to offer. And don't try to get your copy perfect in one go: that's impossible. You need to leave it for a couple of days, then re-visit with fresh eyes, re-work, leave for a couple of day, re-visit, re-work and so on and so on. Until your copy is totally leak proof.

9. Finally: TEST TEST TEST! This is probablyrepparttar 134636 most important aspect of doing business online. You must test everything you do, and if it doesn't work, you need to try something else. If you for example change your headline and sales suddenly increase significantly (and you haven't carried out any major marketing campaigns), then your headline is probably a winner. To be absolutely sure, revert back torepparttar 134637 old headline for a week or so and check if sales drop. If they do, then you definitely have a winning headline, so stick with it. Yes, you might lose some money reverting torepparttar 134638 old headline for a week, but as a result of knowing what works you'll be able to apply it and increase your sales.

Said Rouhani is the editor of the All-About-Making-Money-Online Ezine. Subscribe now for FREE ebook containing 50 home-based businesses you can start for under $500 (click below):

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