Follow The LeaderWritten by The Indy Voice
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Look it doesn’t matter what YOU think reality of personal characteristic qualities of Bush are. The reality for 61,000,000 people is that they PERCEIVE it to be reality. The real story of this election, that has yet to be told, is that it was decided SOLELY based upon perceived qualities of leadership. Plain and simply, majority judged Bush as being a more capable leader. That doesn’t mean he is a capable leader, strong, decisive or moral. It just means that people perceive him that way. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hussein, Qaddafi, Khan, Il, and Mao Zedong are all extremists that had backing of people. They were not moral people. They gained their power to rule from consent of those that they were ruling. Any of these people could have been stopped at any stage on their rise to power by opposition of people. People followed them because they lead. You cannot run an opposition party and expect it to be successful by just opposing, line by line or issue for issue, what other party’s guy is pushing. You need to give people something to believe in. They don’t have to agree with everything your saying and in case of those above, message doesn’t even have to be one of sanity, but people need to believe that you have some kind of grand vision or direction. The Democratic Party lost not because it went too far left but because it failed to go far enough. There is no certainty in middle. Leaders aren’t borne of compromise. George W. Bush doesn’t try to hide fact that he is a conservative Republican. Kerry tried to run from label of “liberal”. Bush wasn’t elected because he has compromised or moved to middle. In fact people voted for him because he wouldn’t compromise. People that voted for Bush believed he has vision. 61,000,000 people didn’t vote for John Kerry because they perceived, accurately or not, that he had no direction. It wasn’t November 2nd when John Kerry lost election. It was when Kerry allowed commercials to paint him as a flip-flopper that fight was lost. The made up lies of Swift Boat Veterans had nothing to do with it. A well-run campaign headed by a resolute leader would have looked at that incident as an opportunity to show ferocity and strength of a decorated combat veteran. The Kerry campaign hoped it would just go away. Leaders stand up for what they believe in, for what is right, and they are willing to indefinitely fight for what moves them. This is how you get people to walk along side you. Kerry didn’t embody characteristics of a leader and only reason why he came as close as he did to Presidency was because he was opposing worst President in history of United States. But then again, that’s just my perception.
The Indy Voice (http://www.theindyvoice/) is a no-nonsense blog that discusses politics, current affairs, and American society and culture without any consideration of ratings or commercial entities (big business). The Indy Voice
| | Is it Possible to Appease Evil?Written by Terry Dashner
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Does Bible say much about Second Coming of Jesus Christ? It says more about His return than it does about His first coming. Even Old Testament prophets spoke about restoration of nation Israel and Messiah’s Kingly rule from Jerusalem, over all earth. In John’s Gospel, chapter 14 and beginning with verse one, it says: “You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN and receive you unto myself that where I am, there you may be also.” Often Jesus denounced religious people of His day because they could predict weather by reading signs in atmosphere, but they were ignorant regarding prophetic words of His first and second comings. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus was quick to point out that His Second Coming would be announced by signs. He said that when wars escalate, extreme weather patterns prevail, pestilence destroys thousands, earthquakes are common, stars fall from heavens, and sun turns dark, then we are to know that Jesus is near, even at door. Now I’ve never been much of a “star gazer” but recently something keeps prompting me to look up. I believe that Holy Spirit is directing me to stay alert to signs of times because spiritual lethargy in this hour would dull my senses to sudden coming of King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And I certainly don’t want that to happen. What about you? (Sources cited are Available) Keep faith. Stay course. Stay ready. T. Dashner
writes American history articles that showcase our Christian heritage (918-451-0270).