Fly Line Care Items

Written by Brett Fogle

Continued from page 1

Don’t be intimidated by allrepparttar special terminology used by fly fishermen. Forrepparttar 116049 most part,repparttar 116050 terms are there for a reason and will help you be more specific when narrowing down your decisions and your gear.

Your first piece of sporting equipment should be your fly rod. Fly fishing is much easier and much more enjoyable when your fly rod is properly matched torepparttar 116051 type of fishing you will be doing. The two main considerations you must think about arerepparttar 116052 length ofrepparttar 116053 rod andrepparttar 116054 weight ofrepparttar 116055 fly line. Fly line weight can be described asrepparttar 116056 diameter and density ofrepparttar 116057 line. For optimal performance, it must matchrepparttar 116058 fly rod you will be using. Here is a general guideline to help you chooserepparttar 116059 proper fly rod.

Fly Rod Length

For fishing tight spots such as small streams and creeks with overhanging brush and minimal casting space, a shorter rod inrepparttar 116060 6’ – 7’6” class is ideal for these conditions. A shorter rod will make your day much more enjoyable and allow you to effectively fish these areas without donating too many flies to Mother Nature. Medium length rods inrepparttar 116061 8’ – 8 ½’ range can be used on medium-sized streams and small rivers or any time when long distance casts are notrepparttar 116062 norm. These rods can still be used on larger, more open waters, but don’t expect to achieve maximum casting performance to reach those rise forms acrossrepparttar 116063 river.

In situations when long casts are required, such as fishing large rivers, fishing from a float tube, or fishing fromrepparttar 116064 shore, a longer rod is necessary. Longer rods also make mending your line a much easier task. This is true becauserepparttar 116065 longer rods will allow you to hold more line offrepparttar 116066 water. For float tube fishing or deep wading, a 9’ rod is needed to cast effectively because of your low position inrepparttar 116067 water. Many float tubers even opt for longer rods inrepparttar 116068 9’6” – 10’ lengths. The more line you can hold off and away fromrepparttar 116069 water,repparttar 116070 better you will be able to pick up line and cast.

_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Who else wants to pull in a bounty of big fish - Every time! Here's how to AMAZE your friends (and maybe even make them a little bit jealous) In 'Fly Fishing Secrets' we show you how. To get your hands on these amazing insider secrets, Click Here:

Choosing a Fly Reel

Written by Brett Fogle

Continued from page 1

The Drag System on a Fly Reel

There are two different types of drag systems on a fly reel that trout fishermen need concern themselves with. The drag of a fly reel is what providesrepparttar tension onrepparttar 116048 line. In other words, it is what regulates how easy or difficult it is for a fish to strip line offrepparttar 116049 fly reel. If all you ever catch are tiny trout or small pan fish,repparttar 116050 type of drag on a fly reel is immaterial as it is unlikely a fish will ever pull out line fromrepparttar 116051 fly reel. Onrepparttar 116052 other hand, if you get a good-sized trout or bass on your line,repparttar 116053 story changes completely. Once a big fish starts pulling out line from your fly reel,repparttar 116054 fly reel suddenly becomesrepparttar 116055 most important piece of equipment that you have.

_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Who else wants to pull in a bounty of big fish - Every time! Here's how to AMAZE your friends (and maybe even make them a little bit jealous) In 'Fly Fishing Secrets' we show you how. To get your hands on these amazing insider secrets, Click Here:

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