
Written by Dan Reinhold

Continued from page 1


Fearful atrepparttar sight no parent of boys had seen, I began to sweat and shiver, with a deep ache within. I stood frozen asrepparttar 118257 two overseers enteredrepparttar 118258 room.

"Hi, Dad!"


"What's up with Dad??"

My mouth moved, but no sound came forth as I pointed towardrepparttar 118259 mystery.

"Think he's OK?"

"Yeah...probably just a heart attack or something"

"Oh.......wanna play ball?"


Side note: Should you ever need assistance while in my area, I highly recommendrepparttar 118260 local paramedic service. Very prompt and efficient, although their dispatchers require further training in interpreting gasps and chokes...

Staring atrepparttar 118261 ambulance ceiling light, I felt a sense of peace and enlightenment.

Let others pursue Shangri-La.

I had seen...Floorspace.

Working at home provides Dan Reinhold with many out-of-your-mind experiences. That's why he'srepparttar 118262 editor of WAHumor,repparttar 118263 humor newsletter by and forrepparttar 118264 work at home community, so that others may keep their grasp on what little sanity can be found inrepparttar 118265 crazy work at home world! Launching on August 2...www.WAHumor.com!!! For details about our special pre-launch goodie, go to Launchpromo@sendfree.com

Working at home provides Dan Reinhold with many out-of-your-mind experiences. That's why he's the editor of WAHumor, the humor newsletter by and for the work at home community, so that others may keep their grasp on what little sanity can be found in the crazy work at home world! Launching on August 2...www.WAHumor.com!!! For details about our special pre-launch goodie, go to Launchpromo@sendfree.com

Spitting Feathers

Written by Chris P Bohn

Continued from page 1

A sinister development occurred inrepparttar summer of 1976 whenrepparttar 118256 previously easygoing insect fraternity became involved inrepparttar 118257 birds' campaign in mainland Britain. The flying insect lobby organised suicide missions, aiming (and maiming) themselves at car windscreens. Readers may remember seeing picketing by thousands of ladybirds during that notable hot summer, especially at seaside resorts, whererepparttar 118258 Seabird Federation was still in its infancy...

Cuckoos have been getting themselves a bad name in bird union circles for many years. And it appears to be thoroughly well deserved by all accounts. Cuckoos,repparttar 118259 pariahs ofrepparttar 118260 bird community, have been closely associated in many bird brains, withrepparttar 118261 human British Horological Institute, where they signed a deal to accept free indoor housing in exchange for agreeing to tellrepparttar 118262 time for their landlords every hour onrepparttar 118263 hour. Mainstream bird groups saw this as "selling out" and banned cuckoos from membership of several important bird institutions. Normally mild-mannered blackbirds started what became known asrepparttar 118264 "Every hour onrepparttar 118265 hour" campaign, which aimed to throw a cuckoo's egg out of a nest every hour ofrepparttar 118266 day. This was an extension ofrepparttar 118267 backlash against cuckoos which had originally begun in 1831 withrepparttar 118268 advent ofrepparttar 118269 campaign againstrepparttar 118270 Cuckoo Squatters Movement. The CSM itself had begun as a protest movement after cuckoos had been refused free crèche facilities by pigeons. This was unfair treatment againstrepparttar 118271 cuckoos, but few rememberrepparttar 118272 details nowadays; cuckoos were effectively sidelined from that day on, andrepparttar 118273 situation - and with it, cuckoos' reputation - has spiralled out of control ever since.

As a result of their previous unfair treatment by other birds, cuckoos have, since 2001, opted for devolution, allowing them to set their own agenda. Hopefully this will result in productive high-level talks which should eventually see an end torepparttar 118274 strike-breaking activities of cuckoos which has got them into even more trouble in more recent years.

But not all birds are members of unions. Mallard ducks, who make up a large proportion ofrepparttar 118275 waterborne Home Guard militia, have vowed never to jeopardiserepparttar 118276 security of our inland waterways by opting forrepparttar 118277 right to form unions and thus forrepparttar 118278 possibility of strike action. They have instead accepted a ten year pay and conditions package giving them sole rights on or within fifty metres of any body or stretch of water inrepparttar 118279 United Kingdom and any of its dependent territories. It is a little known fact that swans are part ofrepparttar 118280 Home Guard and may therefore class themselves as honorary ducks.

And that leaves us firstly with swallows, swifts and other summer visitors from warmer climes. As these are not strictly speaking domestic birds they are not subject torepparttar 118281 same rules as other birds, although international conventions do nevertheless apply.

And finally with budgerigars, canaries andrepparttar 118282 rest of our overcrowded prison population. Their case is complicated. Onrepparttar 118283 one hand some have been freed by NDBLA pigeons. But others are not convinced byrepparttar 118284 plight ofrepparttar 118285 budgies. As one cuckoo said, preferring to remain anonymous:

"They may be in long-term confinement, but they've all got colour TV's. And that's something a lot of us wouldn't mind swapping places for . . ."

Article writer, baking enthusiast, chaos magician, self-styled 'darkside philosopher' and joint owner of http://www.darchangels.com

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