Flaws (conclusion)

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

(9) Number nine is “hypercritical fault finders.” Being cynical, pessimistic, or rejecting is a sign of this character flaw. Oftenrepparttar surest sign that a person has this flaw is being oversensitive to criticism. This flaw causes people to be so nasty that their criticism is biting or so oversensitive that they feel thatrepparttar 101325 flaw has bitten them. It was Henry David Thoreau who said, “The fault finder will find faults even in paradise.” There is pride in pointing out what is wrong. The hypercritics have an unwritten code that solutions are not necessary, only identification of problems is. Do you know one of these people? I hope not because they can make your life miserable.

Faith Fellowship Church…POBox 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…918-451-0270…Pastor Terry Dashner

(10) Number ten is “chronic dishonesty.” Do you lie when it would be simpler to tellrepparttar 101326 truth? Do you like to see how much you can get away with? Do you believe inrepparttar 101327 letter ofrepparttar 101328 law rather thanrepparttar 101329 intent? Do you justify your dishonesty? Do you tell people you don’t care when you really do? Do you preach morality to others and behave immorally yourself? Do you pretend humility because you think you are better than everyone else is? Do you need to set up contracts to get you to do what you promised? Do you lie so much that you have trouble believing other people? Do you enjoy conning people? You did so well onrepparttar 101330 other test that I thought I would give you another. Hopefully, you can answer “No” to these questions. Don’t think for one moment that this character flaw is rampant in unbelievers only. It’s not. In twenty plus years of church ministry I’ve had to dismiss staff members from time to time because of this flaw that motivated their actions. It’s a shame that some Christians have “chronic dishonesty” as part of their character. But, unfortunately some do. Honesty is stillrepparttar 101331 best policy for all especially Christians.

In closing this devotion let me encourage you. It’s easy to read these ten flaws and relate them to somebody we know, but we must not refuse to judge our own hearts in light of these. After all, strength of character is being able to rightfully assess one’s own self and makerepparttar 101332 appropriate changes. God gives us grace to be holy as He is Holy. God requires much from His people in regards to ethics. He wants us to treat others like we want ourselves to be treated by others. It’s as simple as that. A solid character is worth more than gold.

Keeprepparttar 101333 faith. Jesus isrepparttar 101334 soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. How will He find you when He comes?

Pastor T

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK.

10 Tips to Attract Women Like Magnets

Written by J. E. Barron

Continued from page 1

7: Revealing Your Feelings Too Early - Yikes!

There is a time and place for everything! Revealing your feelings for a woman should only be done after you have had plenty of time to assess and confirm a mutual attraction. Jumping intorepparttar “feeling” pit too early on sends powerful signals to a woman that you lack control. Onrepparttar 101324 flip side, taking it slowly and even appearing aloof is a much better position. When you slowly warm up to a comfortable place whererepparttar 101325 woman is begging you to share your feelings, you will instantly know how attractive it is to be desired in such a away. This does not mean you should avoid being genuine. Definitely be honest and up front about who you are and what you like and don’t like, but saverepparttar 101326 “feelings” exchange for a time when you knowrepparttar 101327 woman is sincerely interested in hearing them.

8: Basing Your Worth upon Money And Looks

Of course, it’s true…there are a few rotten apples inrepparttar 101328 barrel that focus all their energy on attracting only men that have good looks and lots of money, basing all their hopes upon material issues. But, they are fairly easy to weed out ofrepparttar 101329 bunch. In truth, most women are much more attracted to a man’s personality than anything else, including women who end up with very wealthy men that lack personality! History has shown us that very powerful, wealthy people have fallen head over heels in love with others that have neither power nor wealth. What did they have? They had a personality, and that personality was based upon confidence! You see, positive character traits are compelling attributes that act like magnets and literally draw women to you instantly. Believe it or not, women prefer to be romanced by men who hold out their arms and pull them in for a hug rather than men who pull out their wallets whenever they seek attention. Yes, having a J-O-B is quite important, so don’t go overboard. No woman enjoys being romanced by a free loader with no money at all. But, it doesn’t take a fortune inrepparttar 101330 bank or a plastic surgeon to exude sexual attractiveness.

9: Sacrificing Your Authenticity

Guess what unique attributes you have that no one else inrepparttar 101331 entire world possesses? You have an original authenticity that is completely different from everyone else. If you sacrifice your authenticity by appearing desperate for a woman’s attention, you lackrepparttar 101332 ability to attract her. So, what do you do? You find out who you are and you stick with it. You don’t pretend to be something you are not and you don’t beg for a woman’s permission to be your true self. You walkrepparttar 101333 walk and talkrepparttar 101334 talk, and letrepparttar 101335 cards fall where they may. Why? Because if you don’t, you will end up settling for whatever it is you get.

10: Just Do It!

Countless numbers of people exude ignorance about matters that they know exactly how to handle. If you want something, you MUST take action to get it. If you find out that it wasn’t what you really wanted, then you move on torepparttar 101336 next challenge. Life is a constantly evolving experience of action after action after action. So, if you want to approach a woman you’re attracted to and get her number or if you’re dating someone that you feel like kissing, don’t just sit there acting all nervous and confused. Instead, walk right up to her and ask forrepparttar 101337 number or move right in and kiss her. Sitting onrepparttar 101338 sideline and wondering what to do about things that you know you want will not score you any points. And believe it or not, women are attracted to men who know what they want and take action to get it. So, how do you do this without offending a woman? You confidently act on your desires without regard to potential failure while exhibiting a genuine respect for her feelings. If she appears disinterested, FINE…that’s your cue to exit stage left. But, don’t let it deter you from approachingrepparttar 101339 next woman you’re attracted to...or she might just berepparttar 101340 one you pass onrepparttar 101341 way outrepparttar 101342 door!

© Copyright 2005 Romantickle.com

J. E. Barron is a relationship expert and editor of RomanticKLE.com, the online romance site featuring unique and creative tips and ideas designed to enhance your love life and immediately create the relationship of your dreams. Visit RomanticKLE.com for more great tips on enhancing your intimate relationship.

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