Five Ways to Profit from Using Video Online

Written by Liz Micik

Continued from page 1

4. The cost savings are obvious Anytime you can avoidrepparttar high costs of sending someone onrepparttar 108625 road to meet with clients or attend a meeting,repparttar 108626 bottom line savings are immediate and obvious. In addition to any costs associated with attending a meeting, you need to factor in travel costs covering airfares to taxis and tolls, hotel costs, meal expenses, and even your internal costs to processrepparttar 108627 expense paperwork.

5. Soft cost savings multiply returns Spare yourselfrepparttar 108628 productivity drain andrepparttar 108629 physical and mental tolls travel takes on your company's road warriors and you could enjoy "soft" cost savings that dwarf your hard dollar travel costs. Want an example? Look at your own calendar forrepparttar 108630 past month and count up justrepparttar 108631 hours you spent traveling to and from meetings. Multiply that by your hourly wage, and then byrepparttar 108632 number of employees in your firm.

If reasons like these don't help you convincerepparttar 108633 reluctant decision makers in your company to add video to your communications mix, please be patient with them. Historically they are in good company. There were many who claimedrepparttar 108634 smeary images on hard to handle rolls of paper called "faxes" could never function in place of an original document. And who, they asked, would ever want to spend more time typing an email message when they could so easily pick up a telephone and place a call?

Liz Micik turns your video learning curve into a fast and easy profit curve in her newest book, “Cue the Director: 10 Simple Steps to Online Video Success.” Visit to have free weekly video tips emailed to you.

Secrets to Writing Powerful Press Releases

Written by Ted Kushner

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar first questions I had when I first started writing press releases was what was considered a great release? What did it consist of and how was it constructed?

Being curious, I emailed my contact at and asked them if they could show me a few press releases that they considered as excellent examples.

These releases have received their editorial scores of 5 on their scale of 1 to 5; with five beingrepparttar 108624 highest.

They sent me three of them for review and you can see each one of them here:

Study each one of these againstrepparttar 108625 press release template to see what is required for an effective release.

Note: to get additional exposure for your press release via you have to have an editorial score of 4 or higher. So it is to your benefit to writerepparttar 108626 best release you canrepparttar 108627 first time around.

Once you have studiedrepparttar 108628 examples and want to try submitting you own press release you need to know which ones arerepparttar 108629 most popular ones being used.

Here are some ofrepparttar 108630 press release services I have used and found to be effective:

With most of press release services you can submit your press release for free or via paid inclusion. Paying for inclusion gives yourepparttar 108631 benefit of faster indexing intorepparttar 108632 search engine news services and natural search engine result pages.

Normally your release will be picked up by Google news within a few hours after its release. From there it will normally show up inrepparttar 108633 natural search results within a few days or a week.

I have used both of these services inrepparttar 108634 past but have found that paying them at leastrepparttar 108635 minimum amount allows me to view my stats online. It also allows me to choose different categories for my press release to be displayed in, giving my release a chance for wider coverage.

So using press releases can and is a very effective marketing tool that you can use for promoting your web site or affiliate products if done correctly.

By using press releases, I have been able to create a steady flow of targeted visitors to my web site and affiliate programs while generating dozens of back links to my web site.

Even thoughrepparttar 108636 effects of each individual press release may be short lived, they still have provided me with both free and inexpensive ways for getting hundreds of new visitors to my site and quite a few top ten positions in Google for my targeted keywords.

So get to it and write a few press releases your self and see what they can do for you!

Ted Kushner of can show you the powerful benefits of writing press releases for promoting any product, service or affiliate program. Learn how you too can get multiple top ten positions in Google using press releases at:

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