Five Principals for Prosperity

Written by Michael Levy

Continued from page 1

Debt free It is far better to walk before we can run. We must not pile up too much debt. If we cannot afford something then we work a little harder and longer until we haverepparttar funds to expand. I know this is notrepparttar 103639 modern way of thinking and there are always exceptions torepparttar 103640 rule, but being debt free sure makes for 'Peaceful Sleep.' Being 'Under Pressure' to pay bills is no way to live. Our purpose is to enjoy life and our labor must be a labor of love without demands. Principal Number Five Enjoy Endurance. Rememberrepparttar 103641 three P's Patients Persistence, Perseverance. If we trust in our ‘True Self' then we cannot fail. As long as we are enjoying our business activities inrepparttar 103642 same way as we enjoy our leisure, success is assured. If it takes a few years more than we thought to achieve our goal, then so muchrepparttar 103643 better, because we have more time to gain extra experience.... It will allow for more time for you to exhibit to people that you are trustworthy and reliable. Integrity cannot be bought, therefore once you gain authentic credibility, everything else you do eases into its appropriate space. It will eventually mean other business people will regarded us as an expert in your field of proficiency. You have mastered time and space. Withrepparttar 103644 five principles for prosperity deposited into your memory banks you are ready to build new bridges. Networks with allrepparttar 103645 new and innovative companies in your field. We are constantly entering new areas of Hi-Technology. Business today needs new innovation and leadership to succeed. This is year 2004 and new dimensions of thought are need for success. Therefore, it is more important then ever to projectrepparttar 103646 five principles of prosperity.

You will also need to understand how to overcome and eliminate worry and anxiety. It is essential to find inner peace and harmony to relieverepparttar 103647 burdens of stress.

By allow our mindsrepparttar 103648 freedom of silence that transcends to higher dimensions, we will find infinite possibilities. Our potential for success is only limited by what we think we know. That type of limitation can cause great pressure, therefore we require an objective detachments from outside events we cannot control. What we can only execute what we are able to perform and what seems impossible at one moment, we can do at another appropriate moment.

When we open our imagination (image-maker), we openrepparttar 103649 doorway to success. Every human mind has a wormhole inrepparttar 103650 deepest section ofrepparttar 103651 brain that can takerepparttar 103652 minds thoughts into what Einstein calledrepparttar 103653 ‘Creative Mind of God.' Einstein declared, he wanted to know what God is thinking, everything else is mere details....and so it is.

It is never too late in life to explore your minds links to creativity Even when we retire from our occupation, we must never retire from life. The secret to retirement is to keep an active mind. I have a friend aged eighty-seven who still enjoys working as a realtor selling apartments. He tells me it makes him feel like a young pup. There are many hobbies we can enjoy and maybe they will make money? Regular exercise will keep us healthy and it also keepsrepparttar 103654 sex drive in gear. Aging signifies, life is still a joyride to an active mind.

Are you now ready to accept success? Just one other point......It is important to note that we will never actual own anything. We only possess what we can take on our eternal journey. We are just renting space and time, so our success is not measured by our bank balance. We live in a materialistic world and to become truly prosperous we need to ascertain that, when we reverse our conditioned minds way of thinking, we find ......( in whatever form our image-creation observes creativity) A Universal spirit guiding us on an authentic life course. What a power-force to guide us and establish an easy way to follow to prosperity. All rights Reserved © Michael Levy 2004

Michael Levy is the author of four books. The latest is "Invest With A Genius" Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, Journals and Magazines. He is a renowned guest speaker on Finance, Wellness and Inspiration. Michael's web site in ranked number one/two in the world out of 1,800,000 web sites when "Inspirational books" are the search words in Google search engine.

This is the Power of PR

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

The perception monitoring phases of your program can obviously be handled by professional survey people IFrepparttar budget is there. But you can always choose to use your PR people who are also inrepparttar 103638 perception and behavior business and can pursuerepparttar 103639 same objective: identify untruths, false assumptions, unfounded rumors, inaccuracies, misconceptions and any other negative perception that might translate into hurtful behaviors.

Let’s talk aboutrepparttar 103640 public relations goal. You need one that addressesrepparttar 103641 aberrations that cropped up during your key audience perception monitoring. In all probability, it will aim to straighten out that dangerous misconception, or correct that gross inaccuracy, or do something about that hurtful rumor.

Of course, when you set a goal, you need a strategy that shows you how to get there. You have three strategic choices when it comes to handling a perception or opinion challenge: create perception where there may be none, changerepparttar 103642 perception, or reinforce it. A bad strategy pick will taste like ketchup on your pecan pie, so be certainrepparttar 103643 new strategy fits well with your new public relations goal. For example, you don’t want to select “change” whenrepparttar 103644 facts dictate a “reinforce” strategy.

Here’s some really hard work for your PR team, because they now must come up with some carefully targeted, corrective language. Words that are compelling, persuasive and believable AND clear and factual. You must do this if you are to correct a perception by shifting opinion towards your point of view, leading torepparttar 103645 desired behaviors.

After going over your message for impact and persuasiveness with your communications specialists, work with them to selectrepparttar 103646 communications tactics most likely to carry your words torepparttar 103647 attention of your target audience. You can pick from dozens that are available. From speeches, facility tours, emails and brochures to consumer briefings, media interviews, newsletters, personal meetings and many others. But be sure thatrepparttar 103648 tactics you pick are known to reach folks just like your audience members.

Taking no chances withrepparttar 103649 time-honored warning thatrepparttar 103650 credibility of a message can depend on how it’s delivered, consider introducing it to smaller gatherings rather than using higher-profile tactics such as news releases or talk show appearances. Whenrepparttar 103651 calls for progress reports get loud enough, you can respond by returning torepparttar 103652 field with your PR folks for a second perception monitoring session with members of your external audience. Using many ofrepparttar 103653 same questions used inrepparttar 103654 first benchmark session, you’ll now be alert for signs thatrepparttar 103655 bad news perception is being altered in your direction.

Should things slow down, you can always accelerate matters by using more communications tactics along with increased frequencies.

In this way, you employrepparttar 103656 unique power of public relations in justrepparttar 103657 right way. You alter individual perception, resulting in changed behaviors that lead directly to your organization’s success.


Bob Kelly counsels managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communi- cations, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. Visit:

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