Five Low Fat Holiday Party Appetizers

Written by Renee Kennedy

Continued from page 1

4. Shrimp is a fabulous appetizer that has 100 calories per three oz, very little fat, and tons of protein! A less expensive option is imitation crab or lobster (made out of whitefish and flavored to taste like crab or lobster.) Serve with cocktail sauce and it tastes nearly as good as shrimp. Again, toothpicks come in handy for this appetizer.

5. Bruschetta... Slice a loaf of French baguette bread into 1/2 inch slices, place on a cookie sheet. Dice 2-3 large ripe tomatoes. Chop 1/2 - 1 cup of fresh basil. Mix tomato and basil together, add a little salt and pepper if you like. Put tomato mixture onrepparttar sliced bread. Sprinkle with shredded low-fat mozzarella. Broil about five minutes until cheese is bubbly.

Come and visitrepparttar 115762 NutriCounter web site for more information on how nutrition influences weight loss, diabetes, pregnancy, heart disease and more!

Come and visit the NutriCounter web site for more information on how nutrition influences weight loss, diabetes, pregnancy, heart disease and more!

Malnourished!...Even After Eating a Full Plate. Shocking!

Written by Warren Matthews

Continued from page 1
that you would now have to eat eight oranges today to getrepparttar same amount of Vitamin A that your grandparents got from eating just one orange. Do foods that have low nutritional values play a part in obesity? Absolutely! I believe this is a major factor inrepparttar 115761 current epidemic of obesity. If you are lacking in essential nutrients it will have a serious flow-on effect in your body. First of all you will never really feel ‘well', you will lack energy which means you exercise less, and you will have a tendency to seek out ‘comfort' foods which generally contain sugars and thusrepparttar 115762 cycle continues and it gets worse and worse and ultimately ends up in obesity and ill health. What can be done about this problem? * Try to eat organic fruit and vegetables wherever possible. * Avoid processed foods! If you thinkrepparttar 115763 loss of nutrient value in fresh fruit and vegetables is bad enough, I can assure you that it is nothing compared torepparttar 115764 nutritional emptiness of processed foods... and to add insult to injury they are full of transfats due torepparttar 115765 hydrogenated processing methods that are used. * Take a QUALITY multi NUTRIENT supplement. A multi vitamin/mineral tablet is not adequate for a number of reasons. The prime one is that most ‘multi vitamin' supplements use synthetic ingredients with both questionable efficacy and bio-availability and they lack other important nutrients. Unfortunately this is an area in which many consumers are being mislead. It's a complex subject and as such I may devote a newsletter to this very important subject inrepparttar 115766 not to distant future. It was interesting to see that even some mainstream physicians are beginning to recognize this problem as evidenced by a recent article in JAMA which advocated people take quality supplements for preventative measures. XTEND-YOUR-LIFE is a FREE service of Xtend-Life Nutraceuticals,Inc., manufacturer of Total Balance, a synergistic blend of 67 different nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, herbal extracts and bioflavinoids designed to provide your body withrepparttar 115767 key nutrients missing in today's food supply. Complete details at ...

Mt. Matthews is the Editor of 'Xtend-Your-Life', published bi-monthly and offers tips to help you tak control of your health. Subscription details at...

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