Five Easy Steps to Picking the Perfect Baby Name

Written by Stephanie Gallagher

Continued from page 1

4. Checkrepparttar initials to make sure they aren't problematic.

One ofrepparttar 136606 moms I surveyed for "The Gallagher Guide torepparttar 136607 Baby Years" toldrepparttar 136608 story about her relative who named his baby, William Eugene Thompson. A nice name, butrepparttar 136609 initials (W.E.T) weren't ideal for monograms.

5. Decide in advance, or at least have a couple of names under consideration, byrepparttar 136610 beginning ofrepparttar 136611 third trimester.

There's so much to do as your due date gets closer. You don't want to be under pressure to choose a name because you went into labor early and had to come up with something atrepparttar 136612 hospital. Check out ( for lots of neat ideas for baby names.

Stephanie Gallagher is Author of "The Gallagher Guide to the Baby Years: The Real Mom's Survey of Top-Rated Products and Advice." To subscribe to her ezine, "The Shopping Mom's Weekly Tip, send a blank email to

Choosing Wooden Toys For Children

Written by Eugen Lisov

Continued from page 1

Wooden children's toys inrepparttar present

Nowadays, toy manufacturing is a huge industry. Although wood is no longerrepparttar 136605 main material used to make child toys, wooden child toys are still very popular.

The reason is simple: wooden toys are great toys.

They have many advantages over other types of child toys. Here are just some of them:

Wooden child toys are ecological. Wood is a natural product and it’s biodegradable. Manufacturing wooden toys does not involve as much pollution as other toys. Also, because wood is a natural product, wooden toys aren’t dangerous to a child’s health.

Wooden child toys are more resistant to shocks than other toys. Some children destroy toys regularly. Because wooden toys can’t be damaged that easily, their life expectancy is bigger.

Wooden child toys look wonderful. Wooden child toys are usually handcrafted, meaning that parents that like handmade objects can consider these toys works of art, as well as toys.

Wooden cradles are very popular too. Unlike metal cradles, wooden cradles are easier to install and to maneuver. Accidents happen less frequent with wooden cradles than with metal ones, andrepparttar 136606 ones that do happen are less harmful.

Eugen Lisov is the creator of a site focused on helping parents worldwide to choose the best toys for their children. If you offer your child a bad toy, it’s the same as if you don’t offer your youngster any toy. Please feel free to browse my site; it will only help you when choosing toys for your child.

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