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The second part of our plan is where we can experience massive income growth in a relatively short time. Rather than spill
entire plan here and now, I will just give you an example of what we will do in this perfect business plan.
Everybody is aware of
energy markets, like unleaded gasoline, crude oil, and natural gas. All of these markets are very volatile on a day to day basis, but they all exhibit strong seasonal price movement tendencies every year. If you could participate somehow in these moves, you would stand to make lots of money.
The same thing happens with
grain markets - corn, wheat, and
soybean products. They exhibit strong seasonal price changes that can be followed with relative safety using our systems, and in
process, can generate huge profits along
We have figured out a way to harness these markets in a way that limits our risk to a very acceptable level, while giving us an opportunity to participate in
huge price changes that occur every year in these markets. This is what makes up
base of
second half of our perfect Internet business.
By using an Internet based opportunity to generate cash, then using that cash in another business segment that can be Internet based, we can have a business that does not require marketing of any kind, yet offers rewards greater than many Internet businesses can ever achieve.
For more information on this business plan, feel free to contact
author via email.

Rick Barnett builds and manages websites from high in the mountains of northern Washington state. His latest project is an online business that works without advertising, marketing, or promoting.