Fine Tuning Your Website

Written by Gillian Gaston

Continued from page 1

It is also a useful exercise to check how your site looks on different browsers and on computers using different screen resolutions. You could ask some people you know to let you view your site on their computers or you could check outrepparttar systems used at your local library or Internet café. It is well worth doing - you may see some things that need to be changed to makerepparttar 124964 site look good regardless ofrepparttar 124965 browser.

How others view your site is obviously of critical importance. Why not ask your visitors for their feedback on your site? You could invite them to send you an email or to fill out a short, on-line questionnaire. To encourage them to respond you might consider offering an incentive such as a free ebook or report or you could hold a prize draw for a product that you sell forrepparttar 124966 best or most interesting reply. The Internet is constantly changing and it is vital to keep up to date with trends. Use your visitors to tell you what they want so that you can offer it to them before your competitors do!


Gillian Gaston is a marketing specialist with 18 years' experience. She is a partner in JGN media, which offers expert information and resources for on-line business. Visit:

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Gillian Gaston is a marketing specialist with 18 years' experience. She is a partner in JGN media, which offers expert information and resources for on-line business. She is also the editor of JGN In-Touch Ezine. Visit:

Growth From Within

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1


One ofrepparttar keys is to choose a product or service that COMPLIMENTS what you already do. Whatever your product or service is, think through what your customer is likely to buy based upon purchasing your product.

If you sell shoes, someone is going to sell them socks and it might as well be you. Not only will you increase your revenue but you will encounter less sales resistance and show your customers that you are thinking of them.

Another method is to choose a product or service that CONTRASTS what you sell now. If you normally sell a business related product come back at them with a personal product. Why should they NOT buy it from you? You have proven yourself as honest and dependable, now cash in on that hard work.


One final word. Your customers decided to trust you when they bought what you sell. Capitalize on those good feelings and ask them for their feedback on what you have in mind. This is by farrepparttar 124963 most powerful, yet virtually free, market research available inrepparttar 124964 land. Use it wisely and your EXISTING CUSTOMERS will tell you both what they want to buy and when they want to buy it.

All you have to do then is step up, fillrepparttar 124965 need,and go torepparttar 124966 bank.

Dan currently is working with The Paid Surveys Report...Intoducing an very successful paid surveys database.

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