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How would a good company ask people to learn such unhealthy things?
Most of these companies are just cheater by using pyramid strategy to con innocent people’s hard earned money.
In company system, in order to join, you’ve to buy an expensive product package as ‘membership fee’ to become a network marketer. They claim that in one or two month time, you can earn an income around $100k - $200k. That’s really a lot of money and very attractive!
Teenagers, who just finish their studies, have not seen entire world yet, yearn for immediate success. Their demands are high so they are easily being brainwash by MLM Company thus leading them into coning people and stopping their studies. Brainwashing method succeeds according to youngsters’ mindset and needs.
Since than this pyramid selling strategy is name ‘finance ugly society’.
There are two main points to take note in a pyramid company:
1. The products price is higher than any others and they are not doing any useful help to our body.
2. The commissions are not from products or services provided, it comes from other people ‘membership fees’.
Companies claim to have high ROI grab those people who want to get rich quick, can earn for doing nothing, hope to be millionaires over midnight to attract young people. Would there be such good things in world?
The people, who wanted to get their lost money back, join in group to earn back their capital using dirty tricks. This snowball rolling strategy gets more people being cheated. These companies denied they are a pyramid company but claims that they are just network marketing or level selling groups.
So beware and take note of above points to prevent yourself from joining into a crap company.
‘No pain, no gain’ is word.
Cecilia Chang is an internet marketer and articles publisher at Her personal business blog is located at She builds a human edited web directory at If you want to suggest and promote your site, please don’t hesitate to submit it.