Finding Success in Failure

Written by Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

Continued from page 1

I think that one ofrepparttar best ways is to under- standrepparttar 122912 impermanence of anything and dare to risk without looking for perfection,repparttar 122913 first time out! Maybe there will be a failure today and a success tomorrow. It will eventually even itself out if we risk and trust inrepparttar 122914 outcome.

c, 2004 Permission is granted to reprint, not for commercial use Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A. Certified Job & Career Transition Coach Email: Web:

TheShaman's Journey

Written by Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls

Continued from page 1

So how do we bring more good things into our lives? By intending only good things. Dwell only on good things. Whenever you think a negative thought, immediately replace it with a good intention. Picture abundance in your life. Practice looking for goodness around you. Intent creates your reality-what are you intending for yourself? For others? You knowrepparttar phrase, “Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it” I guarantee you will get what you really wish for.

First, you must be in touch with your real wishes, not just your fantasies. You real wishes arerepparttar 122911 ones with emotional buttons on them. The wishes that make you cry or scare you enough to make you cringe, or bring a huge smile across your face just thinking about them. They are buried deep inside and sometimes are really echoes of other people’s intentions for you. If your father intended for you to be a doctor but you didn’t want to do that, you may still walk through your life without a purpose because you accepted your father’s intent for you all along. This isrepparttar 122912 stuff counseling is made of.

But for a Shaman, it is using intent properly now that can heal issues of soul loss like that for others. All healing begins with intent. Unlessrepparttar 122913 patient himself intends to get well,repparttar 122914 reality will be his own intent of illness.

This knowledge can be very frustrating torepparttar 122915 healer who knows that complete healing is just a change of mind away. But intent is free will and no one hasrepparttar 122916 right to usurp another’s free will. Many times I have wept bitterly beforerepparttar 122917 campfire for those people who chose to suffer rather than to heal. There is only one reason forrepparttar 122918 intent to not heal and that is fear. Isn’t it odd that people fear change more that anything else in life? And yet, that isrepparttar 122919 one thing that is guaranteed with your passage! I invite you all to embrace change. Embrace each new day, each gray hair, each meal, each encounter, and each tiny adventure of every day. Learn to enjoyrepparttar 122920 most natural thing in life – change. And learn to use it to your advantage.

Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls has been a practicing Shaman for over 50 years. She recently received a dispensation to reach out to those who have a desire to learn about a Shaman’s path and now offers an online course at She has published numerous articles nationally and is the author of two unpublished books on Shamanism. Please write her an email for a free consultation at

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