Find Your Remedy

Written by Julie Jordan Scott

Continued from page 1
or job title or accident, a Master Mind is purposeful both in its make up and its structure. Torepparttar group, members bring forward their challenges. Each participant brings along their own fresh ideas, their history and their knowledge of what works. Instead of bringing a chisel marked "what is wrong" they bring forth a laser beam embossed "Remedies, Priorities, and Focused Action towards Mutual Success". Sound idyllic? Sounds practical! And it continues to berepparttar 123839 way ofrepparttar 123840 most successful people today. If you do not have a Master Mind group of your own, do a quick inventory of your fiiends, associates, trusted colleagues and people you admire inrepparttar 123841 community. Invite a few of them to meet with you to see if there is a match of interests and energy. This one simple change may berepparttar 123842 one to make all repparttar 123843 difference inrepparttar 123844 world for you. As Basketball Coach Rick Pitino said, "Change is what keeps us fresh and innovative. Change is what keeps us from getting stale. Change is what keeps us young." The secret to your success is to be found in your Master Mind. If it is not happening in your current Master Mind group, assess what changes need to be made. Perhaps it isrepparttar 123845 people, perhaps it isrepparttar 123846 format or leadership. Remember,repparttar 123847 opening words from Henry Ford, "Don't find fault, find a remedy."

Julie Jordan Scott is a Success Coach, Writer, Speaker & Radio Host. Subscribe to DailyPassionActivator now via email: or via web

Live as Royce, the Kid

Written by Julie Jordan Scott

Continued from page 1

After shoveling what seemed like a huge mountain of soil intorepparttar well,repparttar 123838 farmer suddenly heardrepparttar 123839 familiar sound of Royce's call. Looking intorepparttar 123840 well, he saw thatrepparttar 123841 smart and innovative little kid had usedrepparttar 123842 dirt he had thrown downrepparttar 123843 well as stairs to freedom instead of as covering to his own grave.

Excitedly,repparttar 123844 farmer added more and more dirt until Royce scampered out ofrepparttar 123845 well and back to his herd and his family.

Questions to ponder:

When you are in a hole and dirt falls down around your feet, what do you see? A step to freedom or a covering to your grave?

How can you use "the dirt" that shows up in your life asrepparttar 123846 foundation for your future success?

How do you label yourself? Do you call yourself more frequesntly something like:

"curious-and-often-getting-himself-in-trouble little kid named (fill in your name)"

OR do you call yourself:

"smart and innovative little kid"?

Which would empower you more?

It is Eleanor Roosevelt who said, "I could not, at any age, be content to take my place byrepparttar 123847 fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiousity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life."

Facing your life means taking whatever dirt is thrown your way and being curious with it. Accessingrepparttar 123848 lessons it is meant to give you. Embracing each moment without judging or punishing or making it wrong.

Live as Royce,repparttar 123849 Kid.

Julie Jordan Scott is a Co-Founder of the We Coach People Network. A successful writer, coach and entrepreneur, Julie uses multiple streams of income to allow her the freedom to live the life of her dreams. For resources to Grow towards your life of freedom, visit http://www.WeCoachPeople.Net today. Or email Julie at

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