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Why attempt such alchemy ourselves? Aren’t those reporter-types
experts on doing that? Why not just “put it all out there” and let
media take it from there?
No! Because it’s you, not they, who know your own stuff
best. And it’s far easier for you to understand how they work than it is for them to pick out
right nuggets of pertinent information from your entire, lifelong accumulation of subject-matter expertise. (After all, today they’re reporting on
tax law, tomorrow it’s on to new trends in
insurance industry.)
So, your first job: create your very own story.

Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit or call 212-243-8383.