Final Two Performances of Damkier in Carmen April 12 and 18th

Written by Brent Damkier

Continued from page 1

The youthful face looks to be fresh out of high school having originally hailed from Northern California, yet isrepparttar face, voice, and actor of a well-trained virtuoso in his thirties. Six years ago without any training in German,repparttar 109775 nearly six-foot tall, handsome, golden-eyed, fair-skinned performer headed for Germany to hone his craft onrepparttar 109776 stages of several smaller opera companies. According to producer and promoter TR Cutler, Damkier will make his recital debut in South Florida.

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Miracle In Yokosuka

Written by Tim Mack

Continued from page 1

One time when I and Kevin were watching a football game atrepparttar Navy Club in California an earth quake hit. I asked, "what should we do?"

Kevin replied, "lets order another round."

After a lot of laughs we leftrepparttar 109774 Japanese pizza place and headed back torepparttar 109775 ship.

As we walked downrepparttar 109776 pier we noticed this sailor from another ship just sitting by himself. If you know anything about sailors you know that they never sit anywhere by themselves. So, of course we knew that something was wrong.

We talked to him and could clearly see that he was in a very deep state of depression.

He said, "I'm home sick and I can't handle it any more."

I don't know how, but from that moment on I knew thatrepparttar 109777 sailor was contemplating suicide and unless he could talk to someone from his home town he would not make it throughrepparttar 109778 night.

I had never experienced psychic clairvoyance before but somehow that night I readrepparttar 109779 sailors mind and knew everyone that he knew inrepparttar 109780 small little town where he lived.

I knew allrepparttar 109781 names of his teachers,repparttar 109782 local librarian and all of his family. I knew all about his town and I knewrepparttar 109783 names of allrepparttar 109784 friends he grew up with. After about a half hour of talking about everyone in his townrepparttar 109785 sailor shook off his depression and was laughing and in a state of elation.

As we walked away and headed back uprepparttar 109786 pier to our ship Kevin said "you never mentioned that town before."

I replied "thats because I had never been to that town untill tonight."

"How did you know everyone in his town,?" Kevin asked.

I answered, "I have no idea."

So what really happened that night in Yokosuka? I guess we will never really know. But we do know that a home sick sailor from a small town would live to make it home again.

I have more stories at this URL.

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