File Compression

Written by Varuna Sood

Continued from page 1
storing video files. These files require even more long term memory than do audio files. Currently, few people collect video files fromrepparttar Internet because they are so memory intensive. Long- term memory requirements for video and audio files are driving consumer demand for larger hard drives on personal computers. Asrepparttar 107800 cost of a hard drive continues to drop,users can be counted on to find new ways to use all ofrepparttar 107801 long term memory on their computers. In a culture in which you can never be too rich or too thin, you also can never have too much computer memory.

Varuna Sood B.Tech Computers India

The Internet

Written by Varuna Sood

Continued from page 1
LANs were used for administrative, educational and research purposes.Libraries used LANs to hold their catalogs.In time, university research LANs and commercial LANs could share information. Eventually, commercial networks were created forrepparttar sole purpose of giving consumers access to this rapidly expanding infrastructure, this Internet, of computer-based communication. The Internet now reaches into more than 185 countries, connects more that seventy thousand computer networks , ansd is used by over three hundred million people worlwide.

Varuna Sood B.Tech Computers India

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