Fetal Development Month by Month

Written by Teresa Redmond

Continued from page 1

Month 5: Your baby is developing a fine hair, called lanugo, which coversrepparttar body. Likewise, her eyelashes and eyebrows are developing. Her fingerprints and footprints are now developed. She begins to suck and swallow and may even be found sucking her thumb. Vernix, a white lanolin-like covering, appears on baby to protect her skin. Her ears are developed as well and she may be able to hear you now. Your baby is approximately 7-8 inches long and weighs 3/4-1 pound byrepparttar 149784 end of this month.

Month 6: Your baby's immune system is developing and she is beginning to create her own antibodies. She has developed a hand grip reflex and startle reflex. Her lungs are beginning to develop and alveoli are forming. She is growing and filling out. She looks more and more likerepparttar 149785 person she will be when she is born. Byrepparttar 149786 end of this month, she is approximately 9-10 inches long and weigh in at about 1 1/2-2 1/4 pounds.

Month 7: Your baby's eyes are open and she is able to cry. She may be very active now and others may be able to see her movements. She may have hiccups which will feel like a jumpy movement. She is increasing in body fat and her bones are fully developed now. Byrepparttar 149787 end of this month, she is approximately 11 inches long and weighs around 3-3 1/2 pounds.

Month 8: At this point of your pregnancy, there is not a whole lot of new development. However, your baby is growing and maturing and preparing for life outsiderepparttar 149788 womb. Your baby sleeps most ofrepparttar 149789 time now and has periods of REM sleep. Baby is becoming increasingly cramped for space, but she is still very active. Your baby is approximately 13 inches long and weighs around 5-6 pounds atrepparttar 149790 end of this month.

Month 9: In your 9th month, which actually extends a little further than 9 calendar months, your baby is preparing for birth. She will spend a lot of time resting, but she should still have plenty of active periods. She should be facing head down in preparation for birth. Babies weight and length vary considerably at birth, but a typical range would be between 7-8 pounds and 19-21 inches in length.

Teresa Redmond is a wife and mother to 5 children. She is also co-owner of Justmommies.com. She has taken many health related classes including obstetric & gynecological nursing, pharmacology, and medical terminology. She has written numerous parenting and health articles. If you would like to know more about what is happening during pregnancy please see our pregnancy calendar at http://www.justmommies.com/pregnancy_calendar.php

How Body Mass Index Works – Set Your Weight Loss Goals

Written by Robb Ksiazek

Continued from page 1

There are some drawbacks to body mass calculation as every person is different. Common sense should be used to evaluaterepparttar findings, even those who fall inrepparttar 149783 middle of a specified range ofrepparttar 149784 index. Those with more athletic builds and leaner builds certainly need to understandrepparttar 149785 objectivity of BMI. Even though there is some grey area, body mass indexing is still quite useful.

Goal Setting andrepparttar 149786 Index

The index is useful on a variety of fronts, butrepparttar 149787 major application is weight control. Those with a low body weight should get it up intorepparttar 149788 normal range, as those with excessive weight should bring it down. Those that are onrepparttar 149789 cusp ofrepparttar 149790 trouble areas can probably do well on their own, while those closer torepparttar 149791 extreme should consult a medical doctor. Health professionals are well equipped to get you onrepparttar 149792 right program and give yourepparttar 149793 best advice for your individual situation.

If your plans are to begin some sort of diet and exercise routine, your ultimate goal should leave you inrepparttar 149794 normal range. Goal setting is important in weight loss as in many other arenas, but your body requires some special consideration. It’srepparttar 149795 only one you have.

An ideal weight goal is necessary to have, but if it isrepparttar 149796 only one, you may become discouraged with your progress. Setting and meeting intermediate goals giverepparttar 149797 inspiration that it takes to get torepparttar 149798 next step. Fitness and weight loss don’t happen overnight, no matter how hard you try. Taking measured steps with frequent evaluation ensures that you are making progress.

Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for Body-Mass-Index-4U.com. He performs ongoing research on dieting, weight loss, and an overall healthy lifestyle incorporating mind, body, and soul. He strives to share this information for all to enjoy.

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