Female Sexual Health & Orgasms

Written by Dana Huston

Continued from page 1

Some synthetic progestins commonly used for contraception have also been associated with a decrease in libido.

It's because ofrepparttar complexity andrepparttar 130924 scope ofrepparttar 130925 organic causes of female sexual health problems that drug companies haven't been successful in producingrepparttar 130926 female product equivalent to male 'Viagra'.

Female sexual health problems have to studied using a natural approach from many different areas.

Recovering Your Sex Life & Eliminating Female Sexual Health Problems:

If you think that your female sexual health problem is psychological and you can't determinerepparttar 130927 root cause or just aren't sure how to deal with it, then you should seek professional help.

Talk with your physician or other female sexual health professional to find a good sex therapist in your area that could help you.

Other than unique devices such as vibrators that help to arouse you sexually, there are other products, although not very effective, that have been approved for use by women suffering from female sexual health problems.

These are forrepparttar 130928 most part suction devices designed to be placed over your clitoris to try to help force blood intorepparttar 130929 general area and to engorgerepparttar 130930 clitoris in readiness for sexual activity.

Not exactly a very effective or sexually exciting thing to do.

Although trials are underway with drugs to help eliminate female sexual health problems,repparttar 130931 current feedback is not promising.

This is understandable because although there are some similarities in women's sexuality as in men, such asrepparttar 130932 need forrepparttar 130933 clitoris (as withrepparttar 130934 penis) to become engorged with blood in order to reach orgasm.

One problem however is that this is just one function ofrepparttar 130935 female sexual response. Nonetheless you can be sure that research will continue and there is no doubt that at some time an approved drug for female sexual health problems will be released.

Dana Huston is a woman's sexual health expert at Women's Health And Fitness. She is one of the top female sexual health experts. She's helped thousands of women over the past 10 years with their sexual health problems. Please visit http://www.womens-health-fitness.com to contact her.

Summer Skin Care

Written by Natalie Katsman

Continued from page 1

Cold water is an excellent skin toner for summer. Inrepparttar morning apply fresh squeezed fruit or berry juice all over your face and neck. If your skin is dry or irritated, follow with sour cream or oil (olive, sunflower, almond). Now wash your face with cold water. Ice cubes will feel great on normal and oily skin, however if you have visible capillaries, ice can make them worse.

Fruit masks is another easy summer treat. If you do not have allergies, they can be used everyday. Active ingredients in fruits will freshen and clean your skin. Forrepparttar 130923 best result use fresh fruits and berries and make just enough juice or mixture for one application. There are some general guidelines to follow:

1. Cleanrepparttar 130924 skin first. 2. If your skin type is dry, apply a thin layer of light cream whilerepparttar 130925 skin is still wet. 3. Soak a piece of cheese cloth in mashed fruit or juice and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes (cut out holes for eyes inrepparttar 130926 cheesecloth to avoid eye irritation caused by fruit acids).

The mask can also be made with egg yolks, powdered oatmeal, or sour cream. For oily skin mix fruits with egg whites. If your mask has a thick consistency, you may not need a cheesecloth.

Fruits you can use:

- For dry skin - apricots, grapes, melon, plums, bananas. You may add carrot juice to your mask, it is great for dry skin. The orangy color will disappear pretty fast. - For irritated skin or if you have visible capillaries - parsley isrepparttar 130927 answer to your problems. - For oily skin and enlarged pores - cabbage, cranberry, red currant. - Tomato, cucumber, watermelon and orange juices will do good for any skin type.

After removing a fruit mask, it is not necessary to wash your face with water - wipe it with a cotton ball soaked in tea, herbal infusion or cucumber juice.

When using masks, don't forget about your neck - it needs just repparttar 130928 same attention as your face.

Have fun!

(C) Natalie Katsman, 2003

Natalie Katsman is a co-founder of http://www.natural-aid.com, where you can find fine quality aloe vera products for beauty and well-being and subscribe to HealthySkin Newsletter filled with beauty tips, recipes and information on herbal healing, skin care and cosmetic chemistry.

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