Fellowship Forever

Written by Paul Griffitts

Continued from page 1

There is alsorepparttar fellowship of suffering, of Spirit, ofrepparttar 126449 Mystery, of ministering and of His Son. We are told that these arerepparttar 126450 kind of ways that we as Christians should have fellowship. In all ofrepparttar 126451 verses that use this word koinonia repparttar 126452 Word renders fellowship as a noun. There is also a verb form of koinonia, sugkoinonia which is a command not to have fellowship with devils. We will stick torepparttar 126453 noun and see how God wants us to fellowship.

In Ephesians we find inrepparttar 126454 third chapter and ninth verse repparttar 126455 word fellowship used and bringing this word torepparttar 126456 apex of its meaning inrepparttar 126457 Bible.

Eph, 3:9 And to make all [men] see what [is]repparttar 126458 fellowship ofrepparttar 126459 mystery, which fromrepparttar 126460 beginning ofrepparttar 126461 world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

This fellowship ofrepparttar 126462 Mystery that which was hid in Godrepparttar 126463 sharing,repparttar 126464 partaking,repparttar 126465 partnership,repparttar 126466 intimacy and of courserepparttar 126467 fellowship we have with God is that werepparttar 126468 Gentiles are fellow-heirs ofrepparttar 126469 promise we are partakers of repparttar 126470 promise we share fully in that which God has ordained forrepparttar 126471 Mystery believers sincerepparttar 126472 beginning ofrepparttar 126473 world.

We should look at one more use of fellowship and that isrepparttar 126474 fellowship of ministering torepparttar 126475 saints. We as Mystery Believers are encouraged to minister torepparttar 126476 believers with repparttar 126477 good deeds we can do by contributing (another use ofrepparttar 126478 word koinonia) torepparttar 126479 necessity ofrepparttar 126480 body of Christ by distribution (koinonia) by making known what isrepparttar 126481 richness ofrepparttar 126482 Mystery.

Fellowship is a wonderful word used inrepparttar 126483 Epistles, it has significant meaning and I encourage you to do your own work on this great Biblical word. Each and every word inrepparttar 126484 Bible has many uses and usages which makerepparttar 126485 Biblerepparttar 126486 most intriguing book to study. God Bless your wonderful hearts in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Paul Griffitts a Bibical Researcher for over 30 years Currently Paul is the Editor of The Good News Letter for Believer.com Click here for Free eBook Two Natures in the Child of God

Amos And Social Justice Part 1

Written by Rev. Saundra L. Washington

Continued from page 1

The effect of this degenerating influence upon Hebrew society began to be felt inrepparttar corruption of justice, in willful and luxurious living ofrepparttar 126448 upper classes, and inrepparttar 126449 general decay of social unity. The wealthy exhibited no responsibility towardsrepparttar 126450 poor, and instead of relieving their economic distress,repparttar 126451 rich seemed hell-bent upon depriving their less fortunate counterparts of all their property. Within a short period of time,repparttar 126452 nation whose strength had subsisted inrepparttar 126453 mass of its independent citizens was divided intorepparttar 126454 dissolute rich andrepparttar 126455 oppressed poor. In just a few short yearsrepparttar 126456 poor had been reduced further torepparttar 126457 level of serfs, and when circumstances dictated, they were frequently sold into bondage by their masters for trivial considerations. The virtual disappearance ofrepparttar 126458 middle class marked a turning point inrepparttar 126459 stability of Israel’s life.

The impending downfall and utter collapse ofrepparttar 126460 Northern Kingdom isrepparttar 126461 predominant theme ofrepparttar 126462 book of Amos. The basis for his prophecy isrepparttar 126463 injustice and immorality expressed inrepparttar 126464 political, economic, and religious life ofrepparttar 126465 nation. It was Amos’ conviction that Yahweh is a God of justice and His power overrepparttar 126466 nations ofrepparttar 126467 earth is evidenced byrepparttar 126468 fact that transgression ofrepparttar 126469 principles of justice and social righteousness will inevitably be followed by utter ruin and decay.

Rev. Saundra L. Washington, is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow, Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances, Homilies that Teach. To learn more about the author and AMEN Ministries please visit her site at http://www.clergyservices4u.org.

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