Feeling Funky?

Written by Sue Dyson

Continued from page 1

Declutter your space. Cleaning your space clears your mind. It also sends a message torepparttar Universe that you are open for more, that you are capable of taking care of what you have and you’re ready for greater abundance.

Journal - get your feelings out. Just write down whatever is on your mind. If you want your journaling to be really effective, continue withrepparttar 123541 next idea…

Be grateful. This should probably be atrepparttar 123542 top ofrepparttar 123543 list. Being grateful for something, ANYTHING, in your life hasrepparttar 123544 power to magically lift you out of your funk. Make a list of just 3 things you are grateful for. See what happens.

Read - pick up something that you’ve been meaning to read for awhile. Take a look at your community newspaper, connect with your world. Learn something new.

Pick up a hobby - do something that you completely lose yourself in. For me it’s sewing and other needlecrafts.

Cleanse yourself. Physically - take a bath, shower, wash your face. Cleanse yourself any other way you feel fits. Light some incense withrepparttar 123545 intention of cleansing your space, your spirit.

Go see a movie. You get to sit inrepparttar 123546 dark and think of nothing but what’s onrepparttar 123547 screen in front of you.

Forgive. Yourself and anyone you are holding anything against. Just let it go.

Create a positive vision for your life. Imagine, dream. And dream big. Record your vision in a journal, on an index card and keep it handy. Then revisit it when you need a reminder or boost. Your vision should be positive and worded positively. More importantly, it should make you feel very, very good.

Any and all of these can get you out of a funk. The common denominator in all of these is action. Taking action to move you away from your funky feeling is what will move things along. If you choose to stay in your funk, recognize it as your choice, and take full responsibility for it. Don’t makerepparttar 123548 mistake of victimizing yourself. Nobody else is responsible for how you feel. We create our own thoughts and choose how we want to feel about external events. So, if you really want to feel down and stay down, okay, your choice. But know there are alternatives. We just need to reprogram ourselves to think of them instead of wallowing in our funk.

Sue Dyson, a stay at home mom to three children and one large dog, publishes SuccessfulMama Ezine, offering down to earth tips and resources to help moms balance personal goals with the craziness of motherhood. Visit http://www.SuccessfulMama.com

EQ--for the Agony and the Ecstasy

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, THE EQ COACH

Continued from page 1

We also learn aboutrepparttar natural balancing act our brains do. When we have an ecstatic moment, for instance receiving an award, we learn that it’s often followed by a “down” time. Having gone too high, we seek to restabilize by going too low.

Doesrepparttar 123540 converse happen? If you experience a deep grief, you will have carved out a space that can be filled up by happiness or joy.

If you are not willing to experiencerepparttar 123541 agony, you won’t be able to experiencerepparttar 123542 ecstasy.

To increase your emotional intelligence, take a course of get some EQ coaching. It’s when we’re experiencing our emotions that we feel most alive, and our life hasrepparttar 123543 most meaning.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc. Emotional intelligence coaching for individuals to impact every area of your life – career, relationships, life skills, midlife transition. Distance learning and seminars. Ebooks at www.webstrategies.cc/development.htm. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for free ezines. Put “EQ Work” or “EQ Personal” (or both) for subject line.

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