Features vs. Benefits - The Mystery Revealed

Written by Butch Pujol

Continued from page 1

The benefit of "no reader required" is thatrepparttar software is complete within itself. Unlike some ebook compilers that requirerepparttar 108205 ebook purchaser to download special software in order to viewrepparttar 108206 book, this feature offeredrepparttar 108207 benefit of being all-inclusive. As soon asrepparttar 108208 book was downloaded,repparttar 108209 customer could begin reading without further delays. That spoke torepparttar 108210 concern and answeredrepparttar 108211 question, "What's in it for me".

As you can probably tell by now,repparttar 108212 benefits are what make a difference to your customer. The benefits - more or less - explain why repparttar 108213 feature is important. This is why benefits have selling power and most features do not.

Here are a few steps you can use when working withrepparttar 108214 features vs. benefits equation:

1. Listrepparttar 108215 features of your product or service. (Catch All Email.)

2. Next, listrepparttar 108216 concerns or needs of your customers. If you don't know… ask them. (Being able to get emails even if misspellings or other mistakes occur.)

3. Next, ask yourself, "Why does this feature matter to my customer"? Write your answers onrepparttar 108217 list. (Catch all email allows you to stay in touch with your customers.)

4. Finally, take it one step further. As yourself, "What problem or concern can this feature address"? (You can know that any email sent to anyname@domainname.com will make it through to you.)

5. Write downrepparttar 108218 benefit.

By explaining your sales information in languagerepparttar 108219 customer can understand you are helping them reachrepparttar 108220 point of purchase more quickly. So,repparttar 108221 next time you create an ad, be sure to focus onrepparttar 108222 information that's important to your customers… benefits.

Butch Pujol offers a safe haven for online business owners. Whether you're a Newbie or a Pro, you'll find legitimate and safe Internet business solutions and tools that can help your company grow. Visit http://www.safeinternetbusiness.com today.

Karon Thackston is President of KT & Associates who offers targeted copywriting, advertising assistance and ezine article services. Karon's Web site is located at http://www.ktamarketing.com.

Things You Might Like to Know about Copyrights

Written by Jan K.

Continued from page 1
before yours. It's a good idea to formally copyright any text that you are planning to market. So, if you're convinced thatrepparttar world population-at-large is in desperate need of "Breeding Guppies,What Every Ichthyologist Needs to Know" and you plan to sell it on Ebay for $19.95, you should apply for a formal copyright. Just havingrepparttar 108204 copyright, however, doesn't mean that other people can't quote your work. They may do so, as long as you are given full credit for having written it prior to their use. This is called a "reference" or a "citation" and generally, whatever passage is being quoted will appear offset in quotation marks (so thatrepparttar 108205 reader can visualize which words belong to someone other thanrepparttar 108206 author ofrepparttar 108207 text in whichrepparttar 108208 quote appears). Of course, at present repparttar 108209 contingent of Copyright Police is not up to tracking down every single instance of copyright infringement, and chances are that not everyone cites original authors as scrupulously as they should, so beware of whom you casually let look at or read your text (or to whom you give a copy). Copyrights are not forever. Typically, a copyright lasts for 50 years pastrepparttar 108210 natural life ofrepparttar 108211 original author. Authors' heirs may sometimes re-apply for copyrights, but generally written texts that are this old are considered "public domain" and may be reproduced without payingrepparttar 108212 author's family a royalty fee. Inrepparttar 108213 publishing world, you will find that many publications require that you relinquish your copyrights torepparttar 108214 work in return for having your work published. This is a fairly standard procedure—unless your name happens to be Stephen King or Danielle Steele. Once you've relinquished your copyright to a given work, you can not sell or submit that text again unless you get express approval fromrepparttar 108215 publisher that now ownsrepparttar 108216 copyright. There are sites onrepparttar 108217 World Wide Web where you can post your work for others to read or use as they see fit, so-called "free sites." In cases such as this, there should be a disclaimer that anyone who uses or reproduces your work must give you full credit. Whether this happens allrepparttar 108218 time is certainly a matter for some speculation, but your safeguard is that you ownrepparttar 108219 copyright and if you find that someone is profiting from your work and that you have not been compensated, you can file a copyright infringement suit against them. As ofrepparttar 108220 date of this article,repparttar 108221 current copyright fee is $30. All repparttar 108222 instructions and necessary forms can be found on U.S. Copyright Office's web site: http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/. I have copyrighted several texts and advise that you mail your application with a "Return Receipt Requested" fromrepparttar 108223 U.S. Post Office. This is your proof thatrepparttar 108224 Copyright Office has received your copyright application.

Jan K., The Proofer is a full-time freelance proofreader and copyeditor. In business since 1995, she has enjoyed working for a diverse world-wide clientele, covering subject matter including academic research, medical law, consumer surveys, and self-help materials. Please visit http://www.janktheproofer.com for more information.

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