Fearless Golf

Written by Jose L. Gonzalez

Continued from page 1

If youre worried about what others think, chances are your game is really inconsistent. Youre overly aggressive one second and overly conservativerepparttar next.

The key? Focus onrepparttar 148768 target, notrepparttar 148769 situation. Ignorerepparttar 148770 stakes. Just concentrate on your game.

Perfectionism not only causes ulcers, but it ruinsrepparttar 148771 joy ofrepparttar 148772 game. Top players refine their skills every year. Theyre always improving in little ways that add up. Youre not always going to play your best game, and youll never play a perfect one - no matter how skilled you are. Work to improve little faults and your game will gradually get better and better.

Smiling widely relaxes your facial muscles, and serves you well in overcoming anxiety. Get intorepparttar 148773 habit of smiling before hittingrepparttar 148774 ball instead of furrowing your brow.

Dont dwell on mistakes. As Tiger Woods says, “I hit it and forget it.” You cant go back in time and replay a shot, so just forget about it and move on.

Dont worry about what others think of your shot making. Overcoming that fear alone will improve your game vastly! And when youre ready to play your next game think confidently and stay focused.

Youll soon become a master of fearless golf!

Want to cut your handicap by 7-12 Strokes Guaranteed? You need the Golf Swing Secret Guide right now! http://www.profitstrand.com/golfslice.htm

Golf on a Budget

Written by Jose L. Gonzalez

Continued from page 1

Since no two people play golfrepparttar same - and everyone has an individual physique and swing a product that adds distance for one player may not help another player at all.

Think about something you do very well that requires a piece of equipment. Yourerepparttar 148767 expert in this area. Should everyone who attempts your job then buyrepparttar 148768 exact same equipment as you have? Will that mean theyll be able to dorepparttar 148769 job better or as well as you?

Food for thought, isnt it? I enjoy gardening, and have a lovely flower garden. But I only have one or two garden tools that are consideredrepparttar 148770 best. The other things I use because thats what Ive always used.

So just because one golf pro buys one kind of ball or club doesnt mean that itsrepparttar 148771 best for you.

The sales pitches that swear youre going to add 30 yards and never hit another slice entice us to shell outrepparttar 148772 big bucks. But if youre careful and have a healthy dose of skepticism, youll save both time and money inrepparttar 148773 long run.

Remember, inrepparttar 148774 golf world, just because a product is more expensive, doesnt mean its necessarily any better

Want to cut your handicap by 7-12 Strokes Guaranteed? You need the Golf Swing Secret Guide right now! http://www.profitstrand.com/golfslice.htm

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