Fear of Selling

Written by Joann Javons

Continued from page 1

Getting Stuck On Relationship Building

Many professionals get stuck onrepparttar 'relationship' part of relationship marketing atrepparttar 120915 expense ofrepparttar 120916 marketing. It seems easier to build relationships than to market something to those with whom we've built relationships.

But what is really getting in your way is fear, fear of somehow violatingrepparttar 120917 credibility and trust you've built with your relationships.

Elena Fawkner, lawyer, writer, and online business owner, makes an excellent point in her article "Am I Afraid To Sell?" She says, "In other words,repparttar 120918 focus on 'relationship marketing' has been so much onrepparttar 120919 relationship thatrepparttar 120920 marketing begins to feel crass and a violation of trust. Many new online business owners report that they feel like they're taking advantage ofrepparttar 120921 trust of those with whom they have forged a bond." If you feel like this, I recommend you read Elena's excellent article at: http://www.ahbbo.com/afraidtosell.html.

You will need to work through this fear if you want to be successful, online or offline. In many ways, it's even more critical online becauserepparttar 120922 web is an impersonal, anonymous medium unless you focus on your goal: for others to say "yes" to your high value product or service. Building relationships is important but don't stay stuck atrepparttar 120923 relationship step ofrepparttar 120924 process. You can build relationships and never make one single sale.

Make a decision to stay focused on your end goal. Dorepparttar 120925 stepping stones because credibility and trust are vital to your success. But they are not sufficient. Your end goal is to offer your visitors something that they want to say "yes" to. That'srepparttar 120926 reason to put your business online.

Set up your online business so that it achieves your end goal, not merely a stepping stone. For more on how to achieve your goal, see our article "Success Myths" at http://www.private-practice-marketing.com.myths.htm.

Joann Javons has a passion for helping others release their creative potential. She is the owner of http://www.peoplepoems.com and http://www.private-practice-marketing.com

Are You Marketing Backwards?

Written by Joann Javons

Continued from page 1

Or are you focused on marketing services/products but you don't know who needs them??

Might sound like a silly question but people are constantly coming up with new ideas for products or services...but they haven't done any market research on them. Nada.

2. Establish relationships with people in your niche market.

Marketing is not selling. Marketing is not advertising. Marketing is not networking.

Here's my personal definition of marketing:

"Marketing isrepparttar process of attracting, creating, and maintaining relationships with people you want to be your clients."

So, if you have not established relationships with people in your niche market, stop trying to market.

3. Get Personal Clarity. Do you have 100% clarity on what is unique, attractive, and value-added about what YOU offer your niche market?

In other words, why would I choose you over others out there?

Answer for yourselfrepparttar 120914 3 questions above. Stop wasting your time and energy marketing but not gettingrepparttar 120915 results you deserve. You'll find it's much *easier* to market forward rather than backward! More effective, too. :-)

Joann Javons has a passion for helping others release their creative potential. She is the owner of http://www.peoplepoems.com and http://www.private-practice-marketing.com.

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