Fear Factor

Written by Olabisi(DJ)

Continued from page 1

You can set both large and small goals and make plans and move step-by-step, progressively toward their realization.

There are no obstacles to what you can accomplish exceptrepparttar obstacles that you create in your mind.

The power of learning turns eager desires into reality, giving yourepparttar 123353 inner drive to increase your salary ... achieve financial security

... lead a happier, more fulfilling life ... and enrichrepparttar 123354 lives of everyone around you.

Once that image burns into your brain, fear will no longer be a factor for you.

Stop, Look and Listen to what you are learning.

What do you notice?

What are you learning?

Is it time to go create a new version of YOU?

Be Good.


Olabisi(DJ) Gbayisomore is the owner of http://www.Taeboselections.com

Entrepreneurs: Take action over inspiration every time

Written by Jason Blackston

Continued from page 1

*Write an article - Part of my daily plan is writing articles that are related to marketing onrepparttar internet.

*Submit an article - A great way to get your name and your website out to other people is by submitting articles to ezines. I do this a few times a week.

Ezine owners are always looking for fresh content. You can find these ezine owners at sites like http://www.ezinelocater.com and http://www.freezineweb.com

Plus, there are websites where you can submit your article right there onrepparttar 123352 spot. Places like http://www.marketing-seek.com and http://www.vectorcentral.com are great resources.

*Follow up with customers - Just a quick hello and offering assistance goes an awfully long way!

These are just a few action steps that I take on a daily basis and they arerepparttar 123353 difference between success and failure in my life.

In conclusion, I would love to give you some uplifting inspirational quote but I'm not going to do it. I am just going to reiterate these words - Make a Plan!

We all lead different lives so I can't give you a step-by- step guide. Your goals, dreams, and financial desires are unique. Just think about what you do, what you can do, and how you're going to do it.

Write it down and go for it!

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